Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 3-A

However, they were able to make out a rice field in the distance, the farmers plaintively wrapping up their duties for the day as the two vagrants watched from their seated position, their backs to the small tree they had found.

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A Nice Pair (One of a Kind sequel)

"you are a simple vagrant with no rights in the lylat system." he explained, rationalizing his deprivation of her freedom. "an illegal alien, if you will, so therefore i see nothing wrong." "and my clones?

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Blips - Bittersweet Reunion

Instead of facing vagrants, however, hey found himself barely having the strength to stand when his eyes fell on the carrier. "... this be prah'vit prop'r't, y'hear me? go on, get outta here!" "... stel?" zerrif said.

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Lady and the Tramp Spanking

She also knew he could not make it on the road as a vagrant, a beggar, a bum; he was too shy--and too proud--to ask strangers for anything, and the best he could hope for was scraps that he happened to find that other dogs or cats had left over, and this was

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The Lead Crown, Ch 5.6 Malcom

The vagrant chuckled, "she is home, yes, my lord." the wolf nodded thoughtfully, "many thanks. i suppose i had best go extend a greeting then. here you are."

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Kinktober Day Twenty-One: Musk

That happened sometimes -- there were vagrants who came onto the train every day, after they'd slept in the seat where he sat.

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Birthday Presents

It was aggravating enough to be slaving for the most infamous fast food chain of all time and dealing with stupid, angry mothers and crazy vagrants, but to be forced to work on one's birthday was completely and soul crushingly depressing.

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The Coronation

Why would they spare even a copper for a homeless vagrant such as i? people like me did not matter to them." "and they continue to laugh.

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[Commission] Adventuring sucks; or the pitfalls of vagabond life

Those people were never conditioned by marauding bands of vagrants to systematically check every nook and cranny for anything that remotely might seem valuable. one chest. just a quick check. and then she would bolt out of here.

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Horizon: Rebuilt Chapter 9

"oddly shaped trash bag, vagrant in sleeping bag, hopefully hibernating, an after-market heating unit bolted awkwardly to the wall, a garbage fire with two people huddled next to it, another weird garbage bag, wait..."

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Kaspar Hauser

The shoemaker weimacker had told me about a vagrant teenager in ripped clothing ambulating lost through the city.

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A city engineer working ahead of the robot is checking the buildings for anything that might cause problems, chasing away vagrants and scanning for anything dangerous.

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