Virtually Real Capter 62: Outta Time

#71 of virtually real just when prowl-ar starts to think things might to improve, everything changes. virtually real chapter 62: outta time.

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Hawk in VR (m/m) (scene)

Hawk sighed and made a tacky 'cut it out' scissors and over-back throw gesture, which caused the room to disappear down to the spare bedroom he'd turned into his virtual fuck room. "alright, candy.

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WG III - The Real Thing

With virtual reality, or vr, being something of a flash in the pan, the studio seemed in urgent need of a new direction.

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Duel of the Hackers

Now, he had to listen to all the jeers from everyone around him as they watched tatyana get fucked by virtual tentacles.

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Dreamer's Paradise: Learning a few tricks

Tanyar was wondering if this too wasn't some kind of twisted test. The tank rearrangement had him set closer to the door but between Sun and V-12. "Don't expect us to go easy on you." Sun said from his left while they waited for the last checks to be...

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Dreamer's Paradise: The begining

They _were_ the leading edge in all brainwave to motion technology and had put out the best most advanced virtual reality applications and v.r. remote operation equipment.

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VR Kingdoms - Prologue: Character creation

A little jingle rang in the virtual room, signaling that the initialization process has been completed successfully. icons flew towards me in the blank cyberspace.

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It's Just Business. (Story Commission)

From smack's virtual perspective, those ten seconds felt like hours!

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Nathan's Last G.A.S.P.

Nathan's Last G.A.S.P. SynTech Slushpile #20 By Danath ( Characters © Shakal Content warning: M/m, M/M/M/M/m, M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M vs M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M with a little m in-between \* \* \* Nathan listened intently. The...

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Virtually Real 59: It's All a Dance.

#68 of virtually real following the gray wolf into the woods prowl-ar and jordan discover the source of the pheromones affecting them. later prowl-ar realizes he may have inadvertently caused a massive problem on earth.

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A Renegade Reborn - 1 - The Escapist

I did not name it, the doppelgangbanger, which was basically a set of servo-actuated fuckable holes and 'grip tubes' that would get painted over virtually by whatever i had programmed into the virtual simulation.

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