A New Hive

Wuk moves his claws to hold kirisha's hips as the other two xenomorphs hold his tubes and head.

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Impossible Love

Mercy, xenan, seth, erik and the other survived were somewhere in the woods of bulgaria, the only place that was still untouched by unfriendly xenomorphs.

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Isolation-Excerpt 36-The Devil's Face

When i was 23, i was a colonial marine on lv-226, the home world of the primal xenomorph that you k-classes hate so much.

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Isolation-Excerpt 21-Loss

Curled with it's back against the rest of the cell, was a female xenomorph. she was extremely skinny, looking like she hadn't been fed in months, years even.

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Evolution of the Xenomorphs Ch4

#4 of xenomorphs author(s) notes: tadaa! ch4! not that any of you care right? you just want me to write a sex scene between some of (most of) the characters...

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E.T. Iguana

While not exactly an overtly elegant place, word on the street billed it as a fairly popular place among visiting xenomorphs, and even some affluent humans. the owners, xenomorphs themselves, were open to provide service to all aliens.

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Alien vs Predator: Insemination Ch. 2: It Ain't No Man

Since he had reestablished radio contact with alicia, his three remaining marine squadmates had been taken by the menacing xenomorphs along the way.

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A Furry Clue - Chapter 6: Drugs, Sex, and Murder!

The xenomorph finished his call for a ride, but he felt uneasy, and called 911. "hello, 911?" the xenomorph pleaded. "yes, what is your emergency?" the operator asked. "i'm feeling very nervous right now....

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Evolution of the Xenomorphs Ch3

Within only 30 minutes the xenomorphs had already take-in 2 of the 9 teams at the base back to the **hive** without alerting the other teams. "this is to easy...

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A rp I'm going to clean up into a story

While a intense hatred for all other species of xenomorphs and predators would arise in her, seeing them now as monsters and threats to her and her charges the humanoids and her children and offspring.

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Rise of the Xenomorphs: The Future Breed, Chapter 3

#3 of rise of the xenomorphs: the future breed anthony walked through the slimy halls of the hive with a grimace of disgust evident on his face.

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complicated matters.

As much as i adore xenomorphs in this case a hermaphrodite xenomorph like yourself i can say that if i don't observe you somebody might get mauled badly!"

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