Blending In - Part 2
After crash landing her spaceship on this primitive planet, she had been left with no connection to her past life, and no obvious means of getting off-world.
Corruption: The Meeting
This happened three months after we crash landed here." valuur's head immediately shot up, looking straight at velen. his eyes filled with hope, and happiness at what he just heared.
Space Bars and Lizardmen Chapter One
"can you try to not make a crash landing for once ratchet?" asked clank smiling with some humor while ratchet groaned and replied "i tried not to. i swear. i don't even know what just broke and made that happen."
SWAT KATS Take A Chance On Me: CH 17
Finally taking a moment to catch his breath t-bone leaned against one of the walls in the hallway he was in, remembering about his injuries from the crash landing in the city.
Beast Omega Galaxy Chapter 3: Oceibada
\*soulka then looked down and noticed the fish had jumped farther than he thought and it was about to make a crash landing on the shore, but also something more important. a tranquillizer shot had hit soulka's leg.
DA in...Castlevania Legacy of Darkness: Ancestral Love
That wolf is pretty strong...but from that crash landing, it really tuckered me out..." he growled and looked at the other, his ears perked "! that i look at em...he's not that bad looking..."
Dragon's Burden: Entering the Wild West ~Ira Gremka'
I crash land into it, then swim around as i murr slightly with my head out of the water. i then take a drink, cherishing every second of it, every taste, every swallow. as i swam, i came back up to the shore.
35 (DSV Nautica) Realization
Lyn had no choice but to start reentry and a crash landing. all that was left to do was to make sure that the ship came in at an angle and didn't fall like a stone."we have detected sentience at this location, steering away.""will they see us?""
Breaking Point Part 2 -- Roughing It Up
We were smiling at each other as we let the flavours crash land in our maws. every couple minutes or so he kept snuggling against me, and i really didn't understand it. r: damn you affectionate, it must be the sugar or something.
((ROUGH DRAFT)) Price of Progress (Tropical Blues)
Now the floatation system broke down and the crash landing on the ocean floor knocked out the navigation beacon they were using.
Krystal and Her Wolf
As the second shots were hitting her womb, krystal felt truly safe ever since crash landing on this planet. she would be a great mother for this black adonis wolf.
Christmas wonders
She gave cleo a little show before crash landing again. she stood up and dusted herself off. cleo stood there wide eyes. she was talking to a flying reindeer. "what are you doing down here?" cleo asked again.