Red's Interesting Day Part 2
A) playing hide and seek. b) playing football outside. c) going up to his room and playing with his toys. d) accessing the computer again to look for funny videos to watch or games to play.
Whispering Twins (Part 7)
"you always were crappy at hide and seek." 'oh no... he's not playing...' she shuffled around, trying to find freedom among the fallen clothes.
The Ancient Clock of the Mice
hide and seek was a mostly harmless game... but it technically meant calex was unsupervised until found... and an unsupervised werekitten could get himself into a lot of mischief.
It was pressed in between the sofa's crevices, playing hide and seek even though it knew just how much i was needing it. and the shakes are the worst bit, like insects crawling under your skin, i might explain if i were not in such a rush.
Teaser: The Rules of Snugglebug
"so it's like multi-person hide-and-seek?" melissa cocked her head. "kind of," kirby chimed in. the husky was robert's best friend, and he knew quite well that robert was hoping to get some alone time with sydney, the poodle.
The Wolf in the Street Ep 2
"i think we've been here before," said hals, "is there no where else for hide and seek?" he then tear opened a cupboard door, revealing his target, squeezing herself uncomfortably inside the food cabinet.
Simba's new friendship.
"ok, so do you wanna play tag, or wrestle or hide and seek" the cheetah cub thought for a moment and laughed. "whats funny" simba questioned, trying to think what was so amusing about what he just said.
More Hypno-shorts
In the literal sense, she was using the augmented reality hide and seek overlay on her glasses to meet her long-time online boyfriend, xavier.
The hill
On its slopes, games of war, games of tag, games of hide and seek were played out by friends long dead and my younger self.
Newfound Purposes: Chapter 4
"sorry, rover, but this game of hide-and-seek is done. i'm sure your mother is worried sick about you. are you ready to see her again?" shaina asks warmly.
Becoming: Part 8-Return
The children, however, were gleefully talking about their day of playing with their friends and their exciting games of tag and hide-and-seek. after dinner was over, the children were sent upstairs to prepare themselves for bed.
FnaJ: WTF!? (part 1)
Jack, the rabbit thought out loud that they should play a game" she continued "maybe hide and seek or maybe just some ta-a-ag...