RG1-Part of the Team

Standing there, obviously having watched the whole thing, were comet, prancer, and vixen.

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Seasonal Preparations

"not yet," santer said as his smile grew, looking over to where comet was as the reindeer took one of the silver bells off of his harness. "comet here is going to make sure that you are ready for the party... rudolph."

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Rudolph's eight horny nights Chapter 1

comet said and began to walk away towards the orgy in the streets, a small crowd of bucks and doe's breaking off from the orgy to gather around comet hoping to experience his famous pile driver maneuver.

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Rise of Red Comet Chapter 15, Blastoff

He jumped to his feet, slammed his palm on the table and said, "red comet, coming up!" he swept his hand over the light, and the figure vanished. he pocketed it, marched outside and called, "everyone in the crew of the red comet, we've got an order!

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A World of Males part 1

The comet did possess power, but not in the way they had expected. once they focused their power on the comet, it backfired, horribly.

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Meowth's Revenge Chp 1

As such, we did not detect the change in orbit of the illuminate comet until a team of researchers discovered its path outside the orbit of jupiter. this comet is on a direct collision course with our planet.

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Santa's Reindeer Profiles

Vixen: age 22 • smartest among the reindeer • enjoys outdoors • has a lot of stamina • playfully flirty • strongly drawn to comet • tactician • mainly submissive

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Rise of Red Comet chapter 5, Transition

Red comet, how close are we to rcm?" "four hundred miles." with that, james stretched and said, "hunker down everyone, it's going to be a long ride. red comet, initiate autopilot." james stood up and left the bridge, with emily behind.

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Stuck in Orbit: Chapter 19

"now, who the heck hit us comet?" handing over command of their flight controls to the other jack, barnabus started up the wild comet's scanners and did a quick sweep of the area directly around them.

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Stuck in Orbit: Chapter 3

**chapter 3** "calling captain comet..." a nasally voice called out over an intercom. "will a captain barnabus comet please approach the third window please?"

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10. Vomit Comet

Vomit comet v.1 copyright © 2015 by timberwoof lupindo not for redistribution.


D.E 1 Chapter 18: Revelations

#19 of d.e1 (story) the retcans and evocanis now face a very important decision to take after their exploration to the blue comet only left them with more questions.

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