Leopard Sugar - One night in the Camden Passage

His paws slipping down through the soft, grey chest fur of the snow leopard as he traded kisses, locking his muzzle with the feline, tasting the beer and the softer, subtler flavours of kitty.

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Typical Nights - Part 1 ~ Keegan

It's somewhat salty, but i spent all day today drinking flavoured water, so it's fruity as well. i pull my fingers out of my hole â€" which is now sore â€" and stretch. sleep time now? sounds like a good idea...

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Dear Richard

All of these animals then walked to the park area near the middle of town and congrigated there, commenting on the flavours of their meals. then the raccoons, still being hungry, proceeded to swallow the dogs whole.

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WD: Dean's Day Out

Said chad as he drank his soda pop whereas dean nodded and drank his citrus-flavoured cola. "i'm betting you're hungry, 'cus i know i am." said chad as he got off the chair.

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Coffee Beans

Hving made the coffees i let a small glup of vanilla flavoured syrup trickle into my glass. "you want anything in yours si" "um, could i get some o' that stuff please?"

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Black and Gold

The plain order overrode his initial misgivings and he did as he was told, savouring the unfamiliar flavours of lube and arse; the humiliation of the act making him feel dirty and wonderful at the same time.

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He's already got a condom out i see...and his favourite lube to use on me, strawberry flavoured. "you've been planning this huh?"

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I notice he's already got a condom out...and his favourite lube to use on me, strawberry flavoured. "you've been planning this huh?"

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Loading Screen [Commission]

Like the armpits, only stronger and more flavourful. eventually he rolled his way off the couch and scuttled on his back to get underpaw. "do you think my paws are your favourite part?"

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Bunny-throat Crawl (Unaware)

If anything, she had a blush and sly smile on her face, smacking her tongue slightly as the boy and his flavours left her. good, he could experiment a bit more.

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Intimate Moment Between Mates

I watch him blush as he tastes his own flavours. he doesn't admit it often, but he loves to taste his seed on my lips from time to time. i break the kiss with a strand of his cum connecting our tongues.

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A Beginners Guide to Predercising

If you can find someone who's flavourful or not adverse to wearing safevore flavoured deodorant, all the better.

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