Graystripe Has the Stars Knocked into Him
They led graystripe through the forest, graystripe just behind them, when they approached a shallow gorge with thicket branches covered with thorns on the other side.
Shaga - Étudier sur le terrain
Le soutien-gorge, ça va... mais la jupe, je ne sais pas. c'est peut-être un peu trop tôt pour ça... laisse-moi voir!
The Curse, Part One
A couple hours past as the lions gorged themselves.
World of Warcraft: Return to Gilneas - pt5
Back in searing gorge, huttser and the rest, the caravan waited in hiding for any sign of suel and the dragon riders. huttser waited at the entrance of the cave keeping an eye on the dark iron mass.
The System
And there was now plenty, so he gorged himself and gorged himself and the louse was happy in the warm and clammy darkness. his body began to swell, so weighed down by blood and joy he couldn't have moved if he wanted to.
The Domestic PigFox
He rubbed his tight imaginary belly, the happily gorging pig watching curiously in the distances.
ElijahxAleksander Inflation
They both looked up from their gorged stomachs and stared at each other for a moment until they caught their breath. aleksander smacked his belly and let out a wet burp. "o boje...i am wery, wery full.
Fat Fox Feeds on Fearfully Foul Folks
Even now, i want to cram you down into the softening mess of that asshole, to feel myself gorged with you, wrapped around you, \*containing\* every bit of you for myself."
Sixam’s Razor II: The Morning After
He said as they approached the gorge. once they passed the trees he stopped ad took in the view. he had been there many times but it still amazed him to see how beautiful it was. "isn't it breathtaking?"
Try as he might though, there was no ceasing his gorging, so he just had to roll with it. once the cupboards were emptied, the fated calls to delivery places were made.
Le vaisseau abandonne [French - SciFi]
Il ne pouvait pas voir ce qu'on lui faisait, sa tête était bloquée par un autre sexe qui lui faisait travailler gorge et langue.
The Gryphon's Test
She wanted it more than food or drink, it was a more pressing need than she had had before, even when she was gorging on meat and water, now she was gorging on self, and she was twice as needy, twice as trapped by her instinct, as she was before.