Night to remember

So Deepshadow asked me to write something like this. I changed the setting just a little to make it more intimate. I do like intimacy, hope he likes it regardless of the small change. I hope my regular readers enjoy it as well, so here it is. * *...

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Remembering Peter

There's nothing quite as disquieting, or anything disquieting than to lay on a persons chest and never feel them move. Like a giant doll, with emotions and ideas, and a personality so very artificial and fake. But real unto itself, as an idea, or in...

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A Night to Remember

Fd made a sound, she knew she had to of, but she didn't remember it later on. her eyes were locked on the sight as ropes pulled his head back and turned it so that one amber eye locked on her.

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A Dance To Remember

She couldn't remember the last time he'd gotten her this worked up. "mom?!" the cougar's head jerked up at the first sound of her voice and he stumbled backwards.

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Night to remember by frostpaw icewolf 2364 earth terra the young light blue folf slowly got undressed, discarding hir briefs and bra with hir top and skirt in the clothes hamper.

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A Gift To Remember

A vampire hunter known as maxis is called to investigate a recent vampire sighting but what he finds will make this night a night to remember the thunder and lightning clapped and crashed down around the small cottage.

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A Pond to remember.

* * * a pond to remember- written by xinnova2 it was always so hard for me to grasp the small things in life.

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A Night to Remember

A story i made for a friend. enjoy a night to remember by: scratch torn it was a vibrant day as chris the storm dragon sat atop a hill

Remember me

You will you please remember me

A Night to Remember

#7 of tmnt stories   a night to remember the place couldn't... a night to remember the place couldn't have been more crowded. it was always like this, every day, every night, people coming in and out to do god knows what.

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A Night to Remember

Looking amidst the blur of faces and noise, it was with great difficulty that he staggered his way upstairs, remembering only vaguely through his nausea where the stairs were..

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Days Remembered

Days remembered "what do you want to do today" rob asked lucas. lucas sat on the edge of his dad's bed and watched him pack a pair of jeans into a suitcase.

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