Digimon: Fusion ch.1.
He took a new sheet of paper and started to draw, after a few minutes he got a sketch of cath, leaning against a wall. he started another sketch, cath again. after a while and a lot of sketches later, one of the other pupils asked: "whats that again?"
Alphabet Challenge 2018 - L is for Life Drawing
But... if you really are more interested in sketching the two of us together? if you think you're up to the challenge of some more complex poses with two intertwining forms?"
Digimon N3RA -Memories- Chapter 4
She scanned through the sketches. "those are amazing," she saw the sketches of her, "amazing..." "those are just the sketches," damien said, "the finished stuff is at the back."
Exiles of Mossflower: Chapter Two
For five minutes they waited in silence until shukko completed her sketch. shukko set down her brush and turned the sketch over to hide it. "captain asuko, you will order sgt kikyo's squad to go on reconnaissance duty.
The Models
Martel overlaid the orgasm expression on her sketch of the model's face. rodolph thayer sketched jeanelle's headfur, breasts, and pussy. durand drew the outline of the meerkat's body, her clenched hands, and the way her head tilted to one side.
Lagomorphs -- Chapter 7: Inside the Cliff
Thin threads of orange light formed a half-dozen sketches of animals, one nearest each of the open tunnels. the sketch closest to the tunnel he'd come from was a monkey.
A Wild Muse
In half a minute, he had the proportions right to his liking, and in another half a minute, he'd sketched the fabric right, and was working on facial features. along the side of his paper, he sketched zeke's face in detail.
Fates of the Ferals: An Odd Request
She got out a simple all-graphite pencil and a bristol sketch pad. for good measure, she got out a protractor, a small ruler, a pocket calculator, a tape measure and a trig chart.
Now you just lie still there for a little while so i can work out a few good sketches..."
River Water [Sketch]
A quick little 1k-ish story sketch on (almost) whatever you like.
Ch. 3: Green
It was a crude sketch of a pair of ursar. it wasn't because the drawing was poor or because he didn't have the skill to properly capture the image, but rather because he had little to go on when he had sketched it.
Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 2
"just hold still for a minute and i'll do a quick sketch." "okay..." she said uncertainly.