Splash Damage 1

The great dragon lord, king o. morashi, flexed his incredible power by landing within the great lake between the kingdoms and gulping down all of the water. he swallowed it all, drying up the land until it became nothing but a desert.

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Into the Deep 2

#40 of tik tik's tower the great dragon that rules the tower of darkness tests gavit to see if his resolve is strong enough for her, and her test is most unexpected indeed! this is part of a series i do with kobold dell'arte.

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History Lesson 9

Now that i, a great dragon, am your queen, i shall declare unto you my first decree: our tribe shall entice outsiders to come to our lands and pillage our treasures.

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Tamati: Matka and Tik Tik 1

"really, tam's a great dragon, but he's much to virile for a girl like me. i get to witness what he does on the sidelines... it doesn't mean i don't want to do anything, though," she says, her eyes fluttering. "i... wait, what?" matka steps back.

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Tamati Chapter 1

"no, sorry, oh, great dragon. i am not here for that, but instead, i am here to collect knowledge and ingredients for a spell." "oh, a wizard, are you?" he asked, using a massive sword as a cane as he pushed himself up.

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Tik Tik's Lactation Journey Part 1

"oh, great dragon mother. i am but a lowly kobold, and would not ask you to serve me, especially when you are already so burdened." she looked at me a moment, tilting her head, before giggling a little, resting her hand upon her cheek.

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The dragon from the jungle CH2

The great dragon that had rescued you from the desert was still sleeping, curled up over its nest as it rested.

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, First Entry

This path will take the adventurer into the cold regions of the north to hunt down the great dragon and attempt to save any survivors of her wicked appetites, which will require passing through her many servants, which include kobolds, tribes of wolf-folk

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Sollus' Adventures Part 2: Secrets

The great dragon leaned down and rubbed his snout against him. "i'll see you later, sollus. thank you for trusting me. i won't betray your confidence!" "you better not, unless you'd like to be eaten!"

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Chapter 23

The famous conflict between the great dragon and the infinite wolf?" "great dragon... you mean alcyrion?!" "that is another of his names, yes." "and the wolf then was iter?" james was a bit confused. "precisely.

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Getting Lost in an Ebook

The smaller of the two great dragons felt another desperate pang of desire deep within his chest. this time, however, he didn't resist the coming side-effects of his need.

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Angels and Dragons ch3

dragon and is of fair judgment" so they began to argue but angelo wasn't paying attention to them he was focused on jade "jade...you alright" jade looked at him with sudden bitterness "oh sure my mate just died but hell it happens" she yelled in tears again

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