Lost Fun-Chapter 1
I dont wanna get into the whole 'female pikachu do/dont have heart shape tails' argument just read and rate ok? sparkle was your average pikachu. exept she was a shiny!
Best Friends Become More Then Friends
Jake was one year younger then taylor and he was red dragon with a white heart shape birth mark on his butt, one younger brother and his parent's were the same as taylor's mom and dad.
a white christmas part two
Seth looked around and something caught his eye, a heart shape locket. seth thought for a moment, a heart shape locket.... for a fox he just met?
April Fools
Over hir left eye - dextrous editing by crystal showed the gradual shift of hir irises from human blue to the brilliant red they now were - a heart-shaped patch of fur was the same cotton-candy pink as hir now-hyena lover.
The day before Valentines.
However, they still had a festive item displayed: a heart shaped cake. the box was red and had a photo of what the cake looked like printed across it.
Voremon, Part 2
Umbreon found herself within a fairly large room with a big, heart-shaped bed that had a thick downy blanket of brilliant red with pink sheets.
PMD - EOM - Chapter 8
She rose again and opened it, taking out the orange ribbon with a red heart shaped pendant. "how did you know?" she asked. "know what?" "this is the one i wanted." "i didn't... the shop had two and i bought one.
The Ant Hill
She shoved its heart shaped body back over her mouth and nose. "voot voo~!" scu cheered. he wrapped his legs about her face. but, this time, he didn't bother to control her body.
Sorcery and Seduction
The succubus queen smiled as she snapped her fingers, summoning a heart-shaped bed from beneath the two.
Without Question
Bon slid down to her knees and brought herself forward so her heart-shaped nose touched the wolf's shaft.
Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 5
10, with 10 being at the top and 1 on the bottom, with an arrow that had a heart shaped tip to point to the current level of caring (the right side of the dial mirrored the left with hearts without numbers).
Forbidden Love - Prologue
One with a heart shaped mark under her tail.