Custodian history lesson.

They sent out their fastest ships to seek out new areas to expand into, they knew that our great alliance could easily resist even a surprise attack, but there were others who were weaker.


Ablaze Ch.3: Diplomacy

Parosana exploits the chaos of contrael to launch a surprise attack on corysia. * * * it doesn't matter to me if you voice your opinion or point out a grammer/spelling mistake. any kind of feedback is appreciated!

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Seeker Origins: Chapter Three

Fawx said, astonished at the thought that i had been shot because of a surprise attack; "how many of them were there?" "four of them."

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The Legend of Spyro: Return of the Dark Master 6dragon

Brandon lay on the ground, the surprised attack from that boulder left him out of breath and daze. he couldn't move, couldn't even open his eyes. he tried to focus on something to get him up; but nothing came to mind to help him. _get up.

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Siblings of Corruption - Prologue 1-3

Siiar watched as a single mole ran up from the side with a spear in hand, trying to defend what little dignity warfang had left from the surprise attack. she was about ready to yell out to the mole to stop, but it was too late.

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The Army Marches

Well, the joke was on them, as my men were not strangers to surprise attacks. after a moment of panic, they'd thrown their all behind fighting back.

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Cold Magic

Her belly grumbled, protesting their lack of breakfast, thanks to the surprise attack. no matter. food could wait. the hunt was on.

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Krystal and Chase: Fighting Reasons

The twilight skies seemed to eerily reflect the bloody chaos that the colony had been enveloped by during the surprise attack only an hour ago.

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Chapter 49 - Ambushed, The assassin Group.

Amelia jumped away from the attack, but yolei was stunned by a surprise attack. with instinct, al jumped towards yolei to cover her from the attack. al got hit most of the crystals on his back and fell, covering yolei like a potato sack.

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Protecting the Line, Draft 1, CH 40

Time, and the distraction of his playing his uncle's game of being talked into sex, made the memory fuzzy, but there had been one scene with the main character lazily dealing with a surprise attacker.

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Skinwalkers: Chapter Twenty One

The surprise attack loosened his grip enough that fey's monster broke free. snarling, it turned and swiped its claws across norrin's face, knocking him and the one biting him to the ground. then it turned back to fey and glenn. "leave him alone!"

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Rulers of the Demon's Crests

With how often you launch surprise attacks like that kis-." the grey demon said, his words stopped by a moan as firebrand pinched arma's nipple. in retaliation, arma bit into firebrand's shoulder softly, making the red demon shiver.

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