Sample Second Person Transformation Shorts
Your heart slows down for a single moment, then begins to pump desperately as your organs shift and reshape like a fleshy ballad.
Luca's Story Ch. 17
The song was a power ballad that spoke of salvation in another's eyes. there were vague references and twists in the music, and luca knew exactly what ronnie was referring to with each line.
To The Dragon Lands, Maybe: Part 4
"we had an epic rock ballad duel!" "you'd have to learn to play before you could do a rock ballad." calex muttered. "also, why a shark? wouldn't a whale make more sense?" "what? i'm not a whale! i'm a shark!" the shark stammered.
Despite his taunt, hare didn't squander a second composing any ballads. except to eat and sleep, he spent every moment of the following week training for the race.
Quick Bites: Invitation Back Stage
The combination of the pred-eat-pred lyrics of "apex" and the fact that a number of the audience's preds had been having some extra drinks during the slower-tempo ballads turned the moshing up to eleven.
So Now What?
* * * if you like this story please check out my latest science fiction series [ballad of the outsiders](
Journal Entry, First Day
80s power ballad? no way. green day? too hard. haven't had my prozac yet. then. . . whammo!
Whiskey Heaves
"and you haven't even got the benefit of writing a ballad half as stimulating as _november rain,_ only two times as needlessly saccharine." barry thought he saw a twinge of offense on the big fox's face.
Romance (Kreet - 41)
I'm afraid it's a pretty standard love ballad though. star-crossed lovers, you know. they always have to end tragically. but i love to dance to that melody." suddenly eilistraee brightened up. "say! we'll make the cave in plenty of time before daybreak.
Singing my heart out
On the stage, barely half a dozen of meter from me, a graceful pale elf strung the last notes of a ballad; her voice, melodic and sharp, was beautiful and enchanting, both attributes that any good bard would kill to have.
Stress Relief
"i could be up there" he thought "playing something lively or dirty or even a sad ballad." the musician slipped and missed a note, recovering his tune and a not so respectable rate. "or something that would tear at the heart and not at the ears."
A Better Fit, Part 1
In fact, with the fast paced semi-metal ballads roaring overhead, everyone seemed to thrive on the heat and excitement of their neighbors. soon everyone was moving, from dancing to just swaying with the music.