Beasts of War
A battle rages across the land a fight that belongs not to man a rage that engulfs day and night a holy war between all light and with the twilight comes a peace that calms and soothes these bitter beasts and as they bask in lukewarm light
Shattered Pact: Ch5 Entrance
He spoke bitterly, his voice naturally holding s's. "speak fox. why do you have a feather of selana? have you come to disrupt the peace we hold?"
My true loves
I used to call you my knight in shining armor, for you have rescued my weeping heart in bitter fervor. my hero in the darkest hours of my loneliness, and broke the shackles of my melancholic distress.
Chapter 6 Red Panties
She really _was_ the purest mare in the realm: evil and bitterness and greed and hopelessness hadn't yet broken her spirit.
Gates to misery ch: 8
This was most likely the work of the bitter cold. "this isn't right... dunsparce told me the way to the palace, but he didn't describe it at all like this." "must be the bitter cold." zorua included.
Bescaled: Prologue
As i sit here in this cold graveyard writing the final goodbyes to a dear friend, i think of all the times we had together from the bitter-sweet beginning to the bitter end. if i had to do it all over i would have done things differently.
Thoughts Chelonian: a poem
Poisons all the world as might an asp on whom have carelessly trodden all, so thus from whom the bitter end will fall.
Ripples From My Mane - Chapter 1
He hoped the thing's curiosity would be enough to prevent it from attacking him while he retrieved the bitter rat from the snare.
The Cold Wind (Ch 46 - End)
Snapping his jaw shut in nervous affirmation, bitter-harvest issued orders to the few hundred warriors remaining and they began to advance.
Mother to Many
Minx was silenced as her chains coiled tight, yanking her legs further apart and exposing her new pussy to the bitter cold. "gah... feels so... umph..." "not good, is it?
Dear Diary...
That's the sweet part about being with you and yet, there's the bitter part. i hated bitter; never really took a fancy with that. have you guys ever eaten bitter gourd before? it's horrible and taste just the same as its name. literally bitter.
Chapter 21: Kissy Faces
Her expression hardened bitterly and she didn't look at either of them. in the silence that followed, she could see kayya from the corner of her eye. the red vixen was watching her sympathetically. kayya suddenly got to her feet.