Old Problems
"good luck alex, i-we, need you to comeback alive." she whispered into his ear. as she pulled back she pressed her black lips to his cheek and lightly deposited a kiss.
From the Desk of Ms. Bellington 9: A Day at the Con
But she reminds her that she can shift back to her dragon form and take her one if she wanted to but she won't because (in a sneer comeback) it's nice to actually fit through most doorways. a touche moment for sarah.
Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 1.4 Bannihar
Sebastian didn't have a snappy comeback. the two walked on in silence. \* \* \* \* \* \* chapter 1 continues for the travelers from bannihar.
Joey's Powers Part two: Soothsayer Sees Some Squirting!
comeback again! i will lead you to the door." she swung her hips a little and the attention was fully paid by joey's eyes, of course.
Increasing your Gamer Score
At this point there was no way for him to make a comeback but as long as that heavenly paw kept working his bare length, he'd keep giving her target practice. at a score of 44 to 12, her other foot joined the action.
LazzXion Of The Rebellion - Extream Lockdown
"yhea, sounds like a plan" luke said to me with a soft yet somehow worried smile i walked out of the room for a minute and comeback with a piece of paper.
My Busty Family Part 9
Venomous laughed, she knew that her enemy would say something like that to her as a witty comeback, she smiled maliciously at them. "your one to talk, when your standing next to three busty foxes." laughed venomous evilly.
Final Hope, Chapter 1: Abrupt Discoveries
We've being killed by other species, nearly to the point of extinction... but we're finally making a comeback. we're the last generation... the last hope... you will find out the rest tomorrow, when you embark.'
My Love
Last good bye one last wish i wish you were here to see me along the path of life i wish you were with me to help me to get through please wake up please come back to me your lips are cold mine are trembling you are gone and i am alone comeback
Inner Struggle-chapter 1-changes
Situations at camp with tommy so i waited for him to make the first move: tommy: so did you meet any new boyyyyyfriennnnnddss at wolfscoutcamp \>,\< {he's always so predictable} chase: tom you know im not gay.... you can go ask my boyfriend (best comeback
Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Twenty
Their voices were growing louder with every comeback. "then why can't i use the bathroom in my own house?" "what about them?" i grumbled. "nobody would miss those two." "because you always pee on the toilet seat!"
Winter Class Ch. 2
Instead of making a comeback for vole's comment, i just let it go and turn to jey for some sort of sanity. "what room do we get?" jey just stares blankly at me for a few seconds then runs off to find mr. starn. he apparently forgot to get a room key.