The Lead Crown: Ch 7a, Un-Escaping (Pt 5)
Things suddenly go from calm-but-restless to chaotic and dangerous as she is roused by the princess' handmaiden.
The Lupine Lab Rat 001
Wake up.I don't wanna.It's your best interest to do so.Best interest of what?Your life. I beseech you, wake up.I opened my eyes. My ears were twitching madly. So someone, or something, really was trying to wake me. I sat up to get a look at my...
The Beauty of Love, Year Three
Khara laughed as she observed Grath playing ball with some of the other pups in the camp. He was one of the oldest in their little group of friends, now being seven, where Khara was five. Grath was far taller than she was now, and had begun to...
The Society, CH 10
Chapter 10 The smell of salmon and lemon enveloped him when he entered. He tried to be quiet, but his mom poked her head out of the kitchen. "Denton! I was starting to think you weren't going to make it." He smiled at her, but didn't say...
A fast ride 3
Steam punk 3 "Come along now its formal." The Zebracorn insisted as the big Red Stag, shook his huge racked head in annoyance. "I shall simply wear my dress uniform." Vander countered with a wily...
A Striped Tail Chapter 9: Danger in the Alley
After all, he was in a dangerous city. but as he glanced down an alleyway he saw something that burned into his mind immediately. his hand went to his face, trying to force himself to be calm as his heart sank.
UTOverse: Surrender (Part 5)
And anyone who says it's more dangerous than for you to sleep on your own can kiss my ass!" "isn't it more dangerous than if i slept on my own, though?" ken abruptly asked. rufu smirked down at the smiling human, hands on her hips.
TSS- Green Fog
Part of her was still focused though, moving her slowly away from the source of the danger, away from further injury. she became dimly aware of lying against the far back wall, curled up and sobbing.
Testing the Metal and Testing Their Mettle
If there are others out there that know of its existence, then there is still some danger in having it around. but all life has an element of danger to it, human or otherwise."
Under The Blazing Sun (Chapter 1)
Crescendo just couldn't take it anymore. He fell to his knees, feeling the smooth desert sand in between his fingers. He coughed a couple of times, which hurt his throat because of how dry it was. Flopping over onto his back, he reached for his...
Anthera Chapter 1 "Gerald"
His life will change and his world will be turned upside down when he walks into another world and discovers that we are not alone, unknowing allies, and very dangerous enemies await him, will he be ready, or will he fail?
The Lead Crown, Ch 4.6 Noriene
Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 4.6 Noriene Noriene rubbed either side of her head with her first two fingers as she made her way down the hall. It was well into the night and she'd spent far too many hours that evening obsessing over what limited...