Skank Into Stink-Beast: Second Metamorphosis

Her dream this time was a more pleasant one, of hunts and rut, and sharing a prized fat fowl with her mate-to-be.

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(To Be Named) Chapter 1

Bitch fowl talks to me, i hope she actually talks about who is torturing me every day.   sheila - oh really! only one way to find out, i'll ask him for you! hah! just joking, and i hope so too.

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The Flug Fly

Not a grubby, grimy, fowl smelling... there was an odd light on, flickering, not very bright, near a door at the end, he felt drawn towards it. but as he approached, he noticed that things really didn't look right. not at all.

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Equestrian Knights Ch 4. Fluffy Attack

That's fighting fowl!" he groaned.blueblood, flam, and trixie were the first to get to their hooves and ran behind a nearby tree, watching helplessly as the rest of their team continued to face the demon bunny's wrath."i can't believe this!

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Director's Cut

I'd never been to fowling before and sometimes i liked to drive myself and see the sights of a new place but this city was far too familiar.

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Onions: tasty ingredient or escape tool?

Kirie hissed as the fowl smell invaded her senses. she had gotten so close to his mouth that she had received the full brunt of his putrid breath.

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Jace Winzor's Last Flight

I was met with a pungent blast of fowl smelling breath, making me gag. another lurch of the creatures head backwards and most of the rest of my body sank into its throat. only my wrists and hands were hanging outside of the creature esophogus.

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Jeannette: Liberation From Hatred

All the disgusting smell of her own flesh made her barf violently a fowl mixture of chicken wings, fruit salad, grass, peanuts, mashed potatoes, her own aborted fetuses and dog cum. all of it mixed with the blood, and dave came up the stairs.

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Kesha vs Adventure Time

Slowly but surely she tore and re-arranged his body, until he was a skin-less, ear-less effigie of a man with his intestines forming a perfect halo around his body, looping and turning, passing through his nostrils and emptied eye sockets and depositing fowl

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Order of Pengu #7

"i found you, you sexy specimen of a water fowl". zzyzx didn't look up as he pulled the cord on the chainsaw. after the third attempt, the motor turned over as zzyzx lifted it in front of him while reving it.

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Mighty Max: The 10,000-Year Itch

Ever since virgil, the lemurian fowl, and norman, the giant guardian of the mighty one, had shown up, determined to help max achieve his destiny and stop the evil machinations of skull master, max had been involved in one quest after another, using

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Commission Sweatybirb

Even crimson couldn't manage to call fowl over something as petty as accidental anal sex in the face of such a daring play. his muscles twitching and straining under this relentless show of masculinity.

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