The Helping Hand

The helping hand by ephemeral\_dreams ever since the days when clouds were all, ever minced my mind stayed yet so tall. a skyward gaze finding no stars in the night. a wayward haze grinding my tears in its might.

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A Helping Hand

Jake could not help but ask, "you know bryan... you know this stuff pretty well. you got answers that i couldn't even figure out. i mean... i don't really think you _needed_ my help." bryan looked into jake's eyes, silent.

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A Helping Hand

Jake could not help but ask, "you know bryan... you know this stuff pretty well. you got answers that i couldn't even figure out. i mean... i don't really think you _needed_ my help." bryan looked into jake's eyes, silent.

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Homework Help

I closed my eyes and held squeezed them underneath my fingers, knowing there was only one way to help him through it. "flashdrive." i whispered and lyle's eyes glossed over.

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Helping the Herd

helping the herd by: theo winters felicia and theo walked together down the sidewalk, each one carrying a pair of bags in their hands.

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Help Wanted

We can help you feel less shy if you are worried about people seeing you. i know hypnosis." the ram smiles and pets the blushing foxy's head with a baa. "aw... so cute... look how red you've gone."

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Help me!

I have been working on the second chapter of A glaxie devided and i have hit a brick wall. I need some opinions about this character discription. I will not post until i have opinions! \*Note note in the exact context text will be changed later\*...


Helping With The Heat

helping with the heat. this is a requested story. it is about two anthro females in heat and they will be helping with it. this is my first story with anthros and f/f. please be gentle with me.

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The helpful whale

"i was trying to help you!" "you did," the fat whale whistled. his own call had communicated itself through its flesh and its own whistle made its way to the swallowed bull the same way. "i was hungry."

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Helping Hands

"jiri, people help each other, just like today. it's normal." "yeah, they help _each other_. you can help me, but what can i do?" "you-" "if not pay my way, or... i don't know what else." i stepped forward across the counter.

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Helpful Pet

"My son just has a new boyfriend every week." He didn't. Danny could tell by the possum's shrewd tone that her son didn't have the heart to tell her about his casual love life. And, really, what child should ever need to explain that to their...

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Helping a Kitsune

#58 of quickies after getting a kitsune all worked up, you felt like you had to help him get off. the kitsune's dick was far too big for you to fit inside of you but you felt like you needed to help him get off after you got him worked up.

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