Internals (Poem)
Feeling hopeful for the first time in awhile. feeling loved for the first time, ever, because its the first time someone loves me and the love isn't built on lies about who i am.
Saving the Sha'khari 4 - Fighting and Bonding
hope was single...and he didn't talk about his parents. ever.
Welcome to the Society: Hope & Doubt
"i hope so..."
Longing For You
A sweet poem i wrote for my dearest in hope we will stay together **_the pearl white moon the perfect little tune the sound of my heart beating the hope this moment won't be fleeting for my love i long for forever i
Chapter 3: The Two Weeks
#3 of the struggle of two alfred experiences a life changing two weeks which contains work and hopes for going to other places the two weeks of work routine had passed and for alfred it passed quite fast, perhaps too fast.
Enough without Home
Enough without Home Blood so cold, my heart breaking under the tension as I punch holes in the wall. My body so cold like weather of Alaska my tears only heard by I. You take from me, you try to break me, but you are blind to my resolve....
"A Nord's last thoughts should be of home." The prisoner across from me announces. His statement is met with silence. I lift my head, gazing back at the Nord. "Home?" I reply, the heaviness of the cold air filling my lungs. He nods. "Do...
End of the year
I wanna feel free from the pain and hurt for where greater things wait for me nestled in my pocket i packed a yellow ribbon to brighten up my day for when 2013 comes to a close yet it's just another day that fades away but it's magic memory, of hope
"fallen fairy" Part 1
Little fairy, who fell from the heavens. With broken wings and shattered dreams as you lay, "My dear love do not give up" in tears i cryed letting the thirsty earth suck up your soul let it be known, your life was not wasted, your soul was not a...
Betrayed by My Own
He trusted his family and his friends only to be left to fend for himself, used, abused and weak his light of hope dwindles quickly bringing him towards the brink once more. he cries when no one is around and the rain masks his tears.
Herz der Hoffnung (German story)
Eine kleine Geschichte die ich geschrieben habe und die verdeutlicht wie ich mich von meinem Frust erholt habe. Das Herz der Hoffnung Kapitel 1: Sharealmmons Angriff traf Incendramon hart. Eine gigantische Schattenwoge die er von über ihm...
Alone On An Island Chapter 3
I smiled at the thought of new hope and i fell asleep next to my brother. as i slept i dreamt of what this man could be like he picked me up and rocked me gently i smiled and sable giggled, we called him daddy and he tucked us in at night.