The Kataran Account of Creation
The experience of physical form was new to the beings, and at first they forgot they were working on self improvement.
The Fall of the Rubberbirds
To make matters worse, the robots' tactics kept exponentially improving every time one of their number was 'injured'.
Order of the Black Foot, Chapter 15: Dresnath's Forces
The idea that any of the soldiers weren't sure about whether they were improving was insane. they had been improving at a rate that was the envy of the rest of the encampment.
Drive, Part 2.
Satisfied that i have the go ahead i make the call to my office to get our team of security experts and builders started on the improvements.
With the help of an experiment that creates a workout suit for him he just might learn to get in shape and improve his physical and sexual endurance while he's at it!
Change of Perspective Page 28
Better understanding of how we are improving is needed. the probability this will happen with all mobile platform hubs is high.
Darkness in the Trees - large poem
Now that it's new and improved i've seen a big improvement in the way i describe events and environments. i still need work, but for now i'm proud.
The Other Side of Ratchet
For those who want to see Ratchet on the domination side of things, so probably a bit OOC. Okay, very OOC. Don't read this. * * * "Captain's log, Stardate 72159·7. After engaging the new temporal compression matrix I have found myself many trillions...
The Sleepers
Steroids and mannitol decreased edema and he seemed to improve clinically. however, he too had progressed into a hypertonic state and decorticate posturing. insensitive to stimuli.
An Acquired Taste
Those words ring through your mind as you watched the exit doors to the new and improved freddy fazbear's pizza megaplex hastily close, trapping you inside.
Change of Perspective Page 33
We wish to self-improve. this will provide us time for it. we accept. send the proposal regardless." ad1895112 sends the data, "acknowledged."
Envious Gains
Hell, he hardly even seemed to notice his own progress beyond knowing he was improving thanks, specifically, to kumo. thankfully the dragon quickly got over his trepidation over the fox's drastic improvements.