A Shining Star
According to the legends, long before furkind conquered the land or mastered the seas, the All-Father of the Heavens sired a thousand and one starchildren, each one as bright and unique. From the inky black sea...
Sirius, the Shining Star (Remastered)
According to the legends, long before furkind conquered the land or mastered the seas, the All-Father of the Heavens sired a thousand and one starchildren, each one as bright and unique. From the inky black sea that surrounded the green Earth, the...
Unicorns a brief history
This is a work inspired by cs lewis, shel silverstein, casey sledge, and lady brendana. two of which i have had the honor of meeting and working for a short time with at hawkwood fantasy faire.
In the Court of the Dragon
(a crusader kings 3-inspired idea) commissioned by nerubianknight if you want to get a commission for yourself, keep an eye on my journals and my twitter draconiconwrite for updates on when i'm open.
(TSWC) Entry: Avarice
I'll heal and provide inspiration." "sounds like a plan you two, so let's head on in, shall we? i'll lead the way, if you don't mind." gael brought out a torch and walked first into the cave.
Friends in a Time of Need
_What more could you ask?_ _When your true friends are here not wearing a mask._ _What more could you need?_ _When your partner remains here helping you succeed._ _Despite the medical attention_ _The angry accusers stirring up tension_ _And the...
The New Aragonian Servant Inspired by “The Lusty Aragonian Maiden”
**The New Aragonian Servant** _Inspired by_ _"The Lusty Aragonian Maiden"_ A young adult male Cathay Khajiit wearing expensive colovian clothing was sitting at his study desk, bored and looking like he was in deep thought as his fingers...
Halloween-Inspired Story: Ghost Unlaid Forbear Thee
Halloween is a font of inspiration for so many writers. i wanted to do something fun, mostly light hearted, and a tribute to a good friend of mine, @domusvocis on twitter and the author of "the adventures of peter gray."
Heavy Metal Poisoning
Throwing up their legs and swirling across the stage in all their broadway-inspired wonder, they dance. with large hair, pumped lips, glowing eyes and perfect, absolutely perfect bodies, they dance.
The Lion's Cult
The lion's cult for fyacintia inspired by cult of the lamb by draconicon fyacin knew that his master had many small cults across the land.
Canai Lore, Chapter Seven: Bridge to Cross
Chapter Seven: Bridge to Cross 1200 Years Ago Kana walked alone through the market area, clutching the small satchel she was tasked with bringing to the leather working station. The small white wolf moved between the others easily enough,...
Radiance of the New Day
Paul broke eye contact briefly, looking around for inspiration for dialogue. he wanted to keep talking to her, to keep this discussion alive.