Carnal Demonology: Volume 5
In appearance, necromancers resemble pointed eared humans with ice cold skin that is often pale in color and with a withered, almost corpse-like build to them.
Maw Of The Masterbal
You must be born of both dragon and demon as well as fall in love with a necromancer and get your heart broken by that same necromancer to even grasp what you have to have gone through to become one. my life is of pain and sorrow, as you can tell so far.
A Necromancer's Heart Chapter 4
Tom had fist pumped and my inner necromancer gave a small applaud and congratulations. i had beamed before becoming very serious again and crunched padding softly over to the bedside table.
Chosen of Ashurha II: Blood of the Fallen
The necromancer approached on silent feet. as she grew closer, he looked up and smiled at her. "you awoke the soul stone, young ashurha. no necromancer has been able to harness it yet. we are proud of you and your potential."
Maxwell Okami's interview.
necromancers, i fear them, more than death. 44. what makes your character angry? sad? happy? why? necromancers who kill for fun, and people who threaten my friends. a death of someone close. my closest friends. 45.
Blood and red paint
I asked stressfully. -- when i arrived, i explained that we are necromancers, on a pilgrimage westward to seek the diviner's wisdom, but they saw the column of fire.
Pins and Needles - Part XVII
I'm a necromancer." "so?" "so?" the sorceress said, slightly annoyed with saul's tone, "to make a long story short, kurok and i draw our magic, our power, from death.
Everwinter Ch21: Jigsaw of Death
The master dates back to the necromancers and the war. we're dealing with strange magic, and there's that book of mine. it's written in ancient karashian, yet you understood it as the language of the necromancers.
Hallowed Darkness
The pure penetrative power added by his enchantment drove against the necromancer's barrier, cracking it with each shot.
Chewy: Leon's dream pt.2
I thought that necromancers were magic stealers," razz said with great curiosity, "no, true necromancers use battle magic as their central use of power.
Project_Demise - Excerpt
Kael the necromancer and all other incarnations of him © me in y2k telvak the great wolf, and shadowhoof the stallion are also mine the necromancer chronicles chapter ?
Chapter 1: Prelude to Chaos
Then tendrils of night stretched from the necromancers hand and plunged into my chest, i stared at them in shock momentarily and then the pain hit like a wave.