TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 18 a nasty suprise
It was the happiness and satisfaction that only one who is a parent knows about. volt let georga sleep for about 15 minutes and then he decided it was time to wake up.
The Hardest Part: A Shanda the Panda fanfic by Loki_Darksong
A young girl and her mother cement their bond through the one aspect of parenting neither has experienced before. (i wrote this story a long time ago, but i never got around to posting it. well better late than never!
In-Laws, Weddings and a Child?
I did a double take towards, Lilith after her remark but, I let it go a second later. Knowing that she wasn't fooling around when it came to the subject of marriage. "Relax, Orion we have plenty of time to discuss the matter. Besides I have two other...
The Chronicles of Vaahn - A New Cycle
The kyyreni boy stood up with his parents, caught off guard by the sentence. they thanked the judge for his time, and following a brief tap to return his focus vaahn echoed the polite thanks. with both parents smiling, vaahn was led away.
New Life
After the process, they place the child in a room where he was allowed to play until his new parents are here to pick him up. "now do what ever you want in here while i go get your parents okay."
After closing the shuttle doors and activating the force field, the 3 parents followed their cubs through the small bunch of trees and arrived at a lake with a few large rocks.
Kayla: Finding Normality
Sort of sound, having had treked up the stairs with the basket after a long afternoon of gardening and parental duties.
Kayla: Consequence Today
The parents involved kept her name out of things as to not complicate matters, and her own parents daria and clark proudly let her play outside with little restriction in the backyard today for her good judgement and appropriate behavior.
The Story of Mitskuni (Part One)
An incubation unit any dragon parent would approve of. the loving parents wait and wait, until finally, after three whole hours of incubation, and tons of sonar checks, the baby hatches.
The Chronicles of Vaahn - A Year On
Jakob hesitated at the door whilst her mother said goodbye to the other parents. "do you guys want to come over next week? if my parents say it's okay i mean. we can get our game going again." "sounds great." jas answered.
A Second Chance
"the police chief has already contacted the boy's parents. the file that gomez provided me says the brat's name is anton joseph mitchells.
Fixing bad behavior 2 WARNING!!! Castration ahead
"Make sure he avoids big hits to his balls aswell as lifting anything heavy..." He told Sebastian. "Since he's to young to cum you won't really notice a change... His puberty symptoms won't be anywhere near as bad as an intact cub... No whiskers, no...