Mighty Sex Force
Her speed.
Transformers: Crossover - First Paragraph!
Jumping into light speed, the autobots managed to leave no trace of their descent into the void of space. on board the vessel, optimus, second in command of the autobot elite guard has finished plans for the next light speed jump.
Invisible. Chapter 1
My name is aki akagawa, you may know by my hero name speed wolf." his name is aki, and he's speed wolf and he brought me to the hq of the heroes society.
The Perfect Murder for the Perfect Murderer
His speed gun sat on his dash as he kept a close eye on it. he saw a car start to speed up, so he grabbed the speed gun and got the speed of the car. it read that the car was going seven miles above the speed limit.
Golem vs. Primals - Part 4 - Gryphon
The next time high-speed came available, unit d used it immediately to attempt a desperate leaping punch at the gryphon's genitals.
time fight
Two people of speed increase their own time, but failed to release it. they ended up speeding up their own life force. a person of stop tried to stop a car from crashing into them but they missed their target.
The Gift
As you've probably guessed, thomases superpowe is super speed. he could sprint anywhere with lightening speed, quicker than the human eye could see.
Call Me Roxanne's Mom Part 3
Wildly up and down at full speed as well.
D.E1 Chapter 6: Earning our wings.
This speed is slow in the immensity of space, but these ships are not meant for travels.
A faster than light Surprise.
A map of the solar system on a computer screen showed them speeding along quite quickly. "how fast are we going?" mathew asked in a excited tone. "this is level one. at this point we are going one times the speed of light." daniel answered.
Guardians Lore: FTL Systems
Warp uses the actual warp theory of generating a bubble behind a vessel that pushes it forward, allowing it to travel at faster than light speeds but also allow it turn while traveling at those speeds while jump is like folding the universe to allow you to
Rocking My Body Hard
Peg suddenly increased her speed so much faster, she ridden and thrusted max's swelling length at full speed and thrusted so very hard, making her vaginal walls squeeze his dick so very tight.