Feeling Terror
"you are failing my class this can't stand, i pride myself on the fact that i have never had a student fail my class" there was a pause, and i couldn't help looking up directly into his cold eyes. the hunger was there again.
Alma Luna: Feathers
The other students backed away a bit when she finished, and as she touched the glyph a light burned in the air that many of the nocturnal students had already prepared for by closing their eyes, but not much else.
Weekend at the Beach
Some of the more confident students even elected to not take notes at all, while the more concerned students were frantically writing down everything don said. unfortunately for everyone the class went by slowly, especially for don and moises.
Rei's New Teacher 3
#154 of tik tik's tower rei's first job as a student is to show his new teacher everything he already knows, and tik tik's eager to test him in all of his skills!
The Black Shepherd - Chapter 10
**Chapter Ten** **Friday May 23, 2008** **12:08pm** The Infinity Care Center was the premier long-term care facility for retired folk in Sandy, offering topnotch services to less than a hundred highly-sought after beds. For nine years, Patricia had...
Missing A Deadline
Back in his hometown he was that rarest of creatures; a straight-a student who was also one of the most popular guys in school.
Jody's Punishment
All the students rushing to get inside as the bell rang. i too eventually slowly walked up to the school and into the double doors.
Pre-Summer Fun - Part 4
I think i hear the wild screams of our fellow students right now." tristan said averting his attention towards the window. "wow, it's like they just burned down a city..." allen said looking down at the chaos they had caused.
~ Shade and Ace: The Beginning ~
By the time ace returned many of the students had already left the locker room and went to the gym. "i have to wear that all white shirt?
Written Love - Part 1
For the more mature students, they prefer his class because of his formal and kindly polite demeanor. for the more expressive students, it was his passion for artistic creation that opted them to take his course.
Furries University Chapter 3: Green Eyes (V.2)
When the four came back to the monolithic towers that were the student dormitories, all but jay. "i know" jay said laughing a bit to himself "they're big" "yeah...that's an understatement" adrian said "why so tall?"
Watch Your Step (Commision story)
Kyzyn ignored his student's complaints, hooking his tongue between sinixka's legs and began to lift him into his hot maw. "what the hell?! let me out! my parent's weren't paying you to eat me!"