The Black Shepherd - Chapter 8

**Chapter Eight** **Thursday May 8, 2008** **8:51am** The final weeks of Tyson's freshman year wound up a total blur with intensive studies cluttering what free time his schedule normally allowed. Finals began the fifth of May, and in the days...

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Leather Ballad chapter 3: Hood

"Somethin good happening I take it?" Helga held her sandwich frozen midbite. The pig woman's left brow raised itself as she gazed over to the rhino enjoying a salad next to her. "Huh?" she asked, taking another bite into his fish sandwich. The same...

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Bear Survival [Commission]

_A commission for [![avatar?user=311439&character=0&clevel=2]( lobopunk93]( "lobopunk93") featuring his characters Gina and Lobo._ * * * Lobo sat...

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Alpha Training – Chapter 2: The Training begins

# Alpha Training - Chapter 2: The Training begins Niera waited for her turn. Exhausted she looked at the other candidates eat. It was the first big catch of them in the last weeks. Finally, the young wolves had their team work down to move like one...

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Leather Ballad: Movie Date

Amy woke up the same way she had for the past month since she met Helga: a volatile combination of frustrated, stressed, and horny that made even sitting through her classes a nightmare. Amy, or Amethyst as the vole called herself to everyone around...

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Good Boy Thomas - Part 1

# Good Boy Thomas - Part 1 When most people looked at Thomas, they saw a good boy. He wasn't the most attractive fourteen-year-old around, spending just a little too much time at the computer, but he was comfortably in the cute category. Felines in...

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Bad Cops

Bad Cop (This is a non cannon story to my character in herm form my herms are completely fertile. As a disclaimer read at your own risk if u get caught, well hey I warned ya.) Walks down the road as I read a book. At the time dragons are mostly a...

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Back in the Saddle (For me the Author, not the Characters)

The soft morning light seeped into the room through the closed blinds, gently illuminating the room. Placed in the center of the room, was the massage table that Victor was intimately familiar with after the last 6 months. He had stood over top of many...

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My Ex-Stepson

I paced around the apartment, my mind a flurry of thoughts. I had been anxious all day, but now I didn't have anything to do to distract me. The apartment is spotless, the fridge is full of food, and I have groomed myself meticulously. I just couldn't...

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Introducing Jack and Elisha

Jack was a handsome German Shepherd, young and in shape, almost fully black except for some spots and hints of brown fur here and there. He's twenty eight, about six ft. Three in. Tall, toned and slightly muscular. His muscles were mostly in his arms...

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Prologue - Let's Set The Scene

The Omegaverse is set in a universe almost identicle to our own, only in this one the people are capable of shapeshifting into a canine form that resonates with their spirit. In the year 2015, the earth is suddenly hit by a plague that...

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From Delivery Driver to Hyena Hunk

Jack was already off to a late start, coming into work 10 minutes late and a half-eaten breakfast the only thing giving him the energy to even show up at the warehouse, so when his new boss barked at him to "Get the hell on with the route!" He was more...

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