War...War Never Ends...

Come the screaming voice, who it belonged too, who knew, roland grasped his first aid kit in his paw, slapping his helm on and began running towards the voice, through the blood, the body parts littering the ground - none of it mattered - bullets ricocheted

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A New World. Chapter 3: Becoming A trainer.

As soon as i got home i put the first aid spray on my wound and me and lucario went to bed. its been a long day.

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Where's the Radio?

After a few minutes, nala came back with an ice pack and the first aid kit. she hummed a gentle song as she bandaged up her friend. "care to tell me what happened?" "sure. where to start..." "the beginning is always good."


Choose your own path Pt2

Then the essentials, you pack a small first aid kit and also a few days worth of dry rations, just in case. once this is all done, you see a glint in the corner, your ring of guidance. you pause as you look at it. it's an odd thing, this ring.

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Strictly Business Part One

"take a seat" he pointed the fox in the directing of the chairs, "i'll get the first aid kit and something for you to eat" he sat down and waited for a brief moment as the wolf ran into the next room, he waited as he could hear the wolf searching in the next

Devils Trance

I was dying soon but my grandma was a nurse so she did the first aid on me and called the ambulance, when they arrived and placed me in the van i already lost my pulse completely so i was declared dead half way through to the hospital.

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Echoes of a dry world chapter 1

Professor quintana gave us a quick lesson in biology and first aid.

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Once Broken Draft 1 CH 21

He started putting first aid packs in other backpacks.

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Rubicant was about to yell for help, when someone came up and gently poured fresh water all over her from a first aid bucket. he looked at them to thank them and saw tarina there.

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Catch of the Day

He opened his first-aid kit and rummaged around for the oil-based gel that he used for covering scratches and other similar injuries.

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David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.4 - Big Plans)

I took a seat on one of the chairs with latios floated right next to me as we watched lorenzo took out the first aid from one of the kitchen cabinets at the far end of the kitchen.

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The end of things. Chapter 2: Introductions.

They included a water bottle, compass and map, matches, a thermal blanket, and a small first aid kit. a few granola bars left over from past days lunches topped off the list.

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