Jem's Bad Week (Part 3)

Due to fantastical sci-fi elements, there is no blood or real damage. likewise, this story involves no yiffing. remember: **this is fantasy, not reality. and in fantasy, sexual torture is hot!** enjoy! _p.s.

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Jem's Bad Week (Part 8)

Due to fantastical sci-fi elements, there is no blood or real damage. likewise, this story involves no yiffing. remember: **this is fantasy, not reality. and in fantasy, sexual torture is hot!** enjoy! ps: really short one this time.

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Dystopian New York.

**yeah i've been thinking about doing some writing and deciding to just post something i wrote for this dystopia cyber sci-fi series i've been planning.

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How I Survived One Fateful Night in the Space Mansion of Absolute Terror

So i used a random genre generator to pick a genre for my nanowrimo story this year and got horror/fantasy/sci-fi. big help right? so i made a joke about it, coming up with a working title for this stupid multi genre story.

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The Inheritors: Prologue

What happened to our ties to sci-fi? what happened to our reverence to albedo anthropomorphics. but enough of that, i'm writing this as a sort of a love letter to proper sci-fi and the furry fandom.

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The Instruments of Salvation : Chapter 1 The New Recruit

Do leave me some feedback please, as like i said. this is my first time writing within a sci-fi setting for the nearly 15 years i've been doing rp and writing in one way or another!

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Fiery Eyes Act I

Nothing really abnormal, just a sci fi thing going on. i can turn and see all the planets, earth and the moon in particular, as you'd expect. the sun was unusually bright.

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Temptation 05 - A Short Adventure

I'd seen far too many sci fi movies where someone forgot to check the controls on some device and ended up screwing themselves over to be stupid enough to leave the device on shrink and shoot it at myself again.

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Just a joke...

Toby had big plans for his evening... the campus sci fi club was having a huge get together.

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There were blue, glowing lines on its sides, which kept pulsating in strength, almost calling the sci-fi loving otter to come and explore inside.

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Sortie 00 - The Straight-Build Rookie

He'd always been a sci-fi nut and enjoyed the different sci-fi series that were out there, but to actually be standing on a spaceship and to be able to fly a mecha in space. it made him giddy. even the danger that he just went through made him excited.

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The Gift of Thrift

He finished the sci-fi novel as he devoured the whole order in bed, making plans to stop by the library tomorrow before hitting the gym.

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