Unnatural Selection - Ch 7: Slaughterhouse Five

Then world war two marines after taking a japanese island and concentration camp inmates being liberated by the british.

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First Impressions

The v signal i get, my brother has a fascination with world war two, and the past in general. the other signals though, those i'm foggy on. kelly, can you give me anything on the other signal?"

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The Werewolf of Odessa - Chapter 9 - A Hunting We Will Go

His bio states that he left canada as a young wolf before world war two to make his fortune in europe, but has recently longed to return to his native land.

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End Not Our Lives This Coming Day

The strategy was no different than the allied bombing campaign of ancient world war two; crude, but potentially devastating if they managed to reach their target. all dirk could do was wait.

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The only thing that came to my mind at the name of bertha was world war two german super cannons, but dad always said she was a bomb shell in her day. i tried mom's name, mixing it with capitals, numbers, and spaces.

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A Son's Lust

The only thing that came to my mind at the name of bertha was world war two german super cannons, but dad always said she was a bomb shell in her day. i tried mom's name, mixing it with capitals, numbers, and spaces.

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RSH- Offensive

The vehicles, helicopters, and individual soldiers were all marked in a world war two fashioned blue x, both infrared and colored, to prevent friendly fire. it had worked so far. "lieutenant mishkin, we're about to begin."

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WG III - The Real Thing

Your body is sitting back in this chair, but in your mind, you're off saving the world like james bond; flying a spitfire in world war two; fighting the mongol hordes in the 13th century; anything you can think of, you can do, in theory."

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Of Wolf and Yote

In the infant days of our commonwealth, the then-lupine government initiated a program of "reclamation" against the 'yotes that can only be compared to the humans' world war two holocaust. hundreds of thousands of coyotes were slaughtered.

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To The Point

In fact my granddad was able to save a lot of lives as a medic during world war two that way. he had to be careful when and how to do it but he could place his horn into almost any wound and it would heal good as new.

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The Fallout 1

Just one of those 'what if' scenarios about world war two" he said. "what was the question?" bradley asked him as he noticed that tommy had finished the bottle. he lifted his month old cub up against his chest and started to rub his back.

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Merged Worlds

Rior looked at the muscular guy with dark brown hair with dark blue eyes with a brownish tint wearing a world war two bomber jacket with a brunette gal in a green bikini embroidered on the back.

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