Professor's News
She nodded off with dreams of her master and the absol in her mind. --- mark came over to the side of the bed and leaned in to kiss his absol on the lips. she returned it with a quiet hum of approval and alertness.
The unseen trick
The pidgey takes flight as the absol shakes it horn and laughs a bit at the absol. " don't worry she is a nice leader."
Chapter 7 - The Origin of Skyfire, Part 2
absol wastes little time and goes for charmeleon, waving his head and slashing at him with the scythe on his head. charmeleon grabs the blade. absol blinks, and tries to pull away from the lizard's grip, but can't.
The Bond Grows Stronger
The absol growls softly as his hips thrust his cock into nurse joy's pussy, earning a gasping cry from the human female.
Rebirth ch17
'for a male absol, maybe. but what about a female absol?' suzy's eyes went wide then she smirked and laughed. "what are you talking about. trent is a male absol...isn't he?"
greedy snivy and disaster bringer absol
As the absol and his family were hicking up a mountain the legendary entai blasted a hole outside of the mountain. the fire type wanted his seclusion and the absols were trespassing on his mountain.
Commission: Mike's Pokemon Ladies
Mike shoved the absol away from him, off of the bed. crescent quickly jumped back up, standing on the human's chest and looking into his eyes. "absol, ab ab sol absol!" "hang on, let me get the thing ..."
Shade & Luna Chapter 1: Welcome to the (Concrete) Jungle
The absol smirked, "i would love to see you try." at this moment he charged towards luna, ready to pounce on her. "hypnosis." the trainer said calmly. "i-i'm sorry!" the umbreon took a step back and stared intensely at the absol.
Stories of a lifetime Pt. 1
Shoplifter Snack
She calmly spoke to the absol. "i won't eat you, i promise." "awwww..." the absol moaned unfurling himself and looking at the massive pudgy camel standing above him. "i was kinda hoping you'd say something merciless and eat me anyway, hehe."
An Absolute Disaster!
Suddenly she was pounced by another absol, only this time, a male. he was quite larger than her, and he was allready aroused by her beautiful sight. his member was hanging out of its sheath.
Pokemon: Legends Ch.5 Abby pt.1 Betrayal
Zhen think absol was affected too by attract."_ rio was worried that zhen smelt the absol's arousal as well. _"what's going on here you guys?"_ mocha asked with a whimper.