Two Worlds Collide - Chapter 8 - The Road of Life

Why are you in boston?" his reply completely sidestepped my questions. "what happened with amy?" a moment of stunned silence followed as i tried to process an answer, although he just kept on speaking.

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NOC ch18: Snake in the Grass

No one was getting hold of him until he said so, and that wasn't until he'd finished up his business in boston. figuring out what in the hell was going on with that chimera. how many hybrids there really were out there.

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Anonymous Gifts

If you really enjoy it, consider dropping a couple bucks in the hat at like a lot of bars, this one was built in at the bottom floor of one of boston's innumerable high-rises.

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NOC ch8: Wagon's East

In fact, when he'd thrown his belongings in his car and hauled ass away from greenwood academy, he only had one place he could think to go: boston. the city where heaven hearts hybrids called home.

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Brian and Me

boston, massachusetts. it was my first day at the boston university. i couldn't be any more nervous.

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The Curse of the Yellow Monkey - Chapter 2 - Wheels Are Set in Motion

"wsbk in boston massachusetts, aired some interesting video tonight. once marcel gave us the heads-up we were able to acquire a copy of the raw footage from the maine state police."

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The Fallout 3

Because i've read news stories in the boston bugle about what happens when apparenlty friendly fat older men are nice to children half their age" cadwell said from beside him.

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13 Shadowfox Null

They were back in boston. their cut of jerry's money had gone back to jerry, and jerry didn't press it on them.

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Fat Raccoon Poem

It fits right my cheeks they bulge slow, as i eat real fast the rest of my face, stretches out my black mask my tail it shrinks, as my weight it sores and i spend all my money at the new doughnut store chocolate glazed crullers, and sweet boston

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To Alaska:Chapter 1

My head in my paws, we leave boston, and take the long, driven journy, to alaska. i wake up from crying myself to sleep in the back seat, to the sound of my cell phone ringing. i read the caller id:chris. i instantly answer.

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Inauguration Day in Devout America

Along the east coast, state-sponsored parades took place within large cities such as d.c., new york city, boston, and philadelphia.

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Wages: Chapter Eighteen

I, i got a guy down in boston, man, this guy has fuckin' connections..."

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