The Feline Lab Rat 001

I can only tell you that which you should know.i got up to look at the shivering form in the crib/bed. i felt a strange need to comfort it. it seemed scared. afraid. overall terrified. yes, i realize those are synonymous. i got to the edge of the crib.

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Forgotten - Intro: Naptime

The light illuminated a room full of cribs, some shaped for cubs, some for adults; and filled with each. every crib had a hybrid of some sort in it, each one quite obviously diapered, most of them wet, a few messy.

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Sherry e Yure.

Yure picks sherry up and goes with sherry to the crib, as sherry wears his squeaky ferret. yure places a finger on sherry's muzzle. he lays sherry in the crib, then ties his limbs stretched, using leather belts.

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Scott's Remote | Chapter 16

Scott's curiosity was getting the best of him and he was considering sneaking out of his crib when the door to his room opened.

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The Littlest Adventurer

The crib bars lock in place and he leaves the room. your butt crinkles as you curl up with your favorite plush before quickly drifting off to sleep. "good morning, my little adventurer." the bars of your crib slide down, gradually waking you up.

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Jade's New Home

A couple hours later a knock at the door announced the arrival of the the crib and changing table. archer set up the new furniture, while jade sat on the floor playing with toys.

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Claire's Little Niece (Part 1 of 4)

She said as she effortlessly plunked the fox down in the crib.

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Lila of the Reptilydes Part 7

She looked over at the crib, seeing that little sormay was still asleep. she got up and bathed, brushed out her hair and donned a new halter top, purple this time.

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A Dragon for Christmas Part Seven: Bonding

He unstrapped kilmor from the table and moved him to the crib. kilmor couldn't even struggle anymore. he was laid down in the crib and the bars were brought back up. roger chained kilmor's left and right leg to the crib.

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Picking him up as well the hands carry robin over to the crib, laying him inside next to his drooly playmate, the bar rises keeping them nice and safe inside the crib, as a mobile above made of colorful objects begin to spin above.

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Family Fun

Directly below the fan was a giant crib. it was a sturdy white thing, big enough to fit around a queen sized bed and tall enough so that anyone inside would have to struggle to get out.

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