Scene - Third Act
Quickly, guards, gather whatever brave souls you can round up to help save him from the clutches of this vile cult..."
Evolution's Gate Ch.1 - Snivy's Story
For instance, whatever pleasantries i would usually partake in on a saturday night have been long forgotten since i was called in to work after this whole cult thing went down. yes, "cult thing".
Order of Pengu #6
"well we should, considering he is our cult leader and all. you get the tranquilizer darts and i'll get the holy water." \*\* \*\* \*\* \*\* \*\* zzyzx ran into the cults underground night club.
Blissful Ignorance- an HSD story
Dite couldn't blame her, the cult of bliss was a special kind of crazy, the kind that only a cult of sociopaths could be.
The Demon's Amulet
Shaun questioned his friend, "from what i can tell it's a cult of some kind."
Danger in Hidden Water
"let's investigate, it may be a cult hideout," the feline ordered her companions. "if that's where the recipient of that letter lives then i doubt she's part of the cult," said the mongoose.
Black Meridian 08: Rest For The Wicked
He knew the curse were in kallinger province, but not where; the cult would. if lyric got the cult, he got the gang, and he got riddon. simple. _finally, this nightmare can be over._ "what makes you think i know where those crazies hole up?"
The Story of Daniel - Chapter 2
For a while, the new village, that the cult formed, seemed to run peacefully.
Under the Basilica
This room of the house was given a new purpose some time after its building, and was used as the shrine of a mysterious cult. the cult of mithras." the lupo whispered, sillily trying to build some suspense. "mithras?"
Anthropia Deities (WORK IN PROGRESS, Assistance Appreciated)
However, he does have the estranged death worshiping cults dedicated to him. these cults are often misguided and beleive that the poisoned one desires to spread death and destruction among the mortal world.
Waking Past
He'd studied the history of the serevokin people in an attempt to stop the cult. never before had the serevokin as a species been able to grow in such numbers.
Day 7 Mask _ Cult
The cult had a hidden home not far from the site, a tunnel disguised among the hills which led down to a carved stone area.