
"no problem, mate", drake said. "i see you're not shy this time around, hehe." the reptile chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head, and looked backed to his shredded cloak. "i'm natsuru, and you are?" "the name's drake, drake lynx."

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"you aren't" said drake. at ten, zach and drake got on drake's cycle, it is black and has red flames on it, and gunned it at over 70 mph over to a house a block over.

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The Start of a New Life

This made zach very excited, he ran and grabbed the phone and called drake. "hello?" said drake "hey, drake." said zach "zach! how is my favorite little brother doing?" drake has always loved his little brother.

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Two Kings One Prince: Part Six (full)

The drake laughed and placed her head on his head, eyes closed as she hummed a soft song. "they're over here!"

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War Of The Litche: Prologue

_ the drake sighed in his thoughts but smiled as he nudged his friend back. a sudden cry from above made both the wolf and the drake to look up to spot a rather small winged creature slowly descend towards them.

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Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.20 - Dark Invitation, Taking Flight a Fighters Dream

Again drake just nodded his head. "and one more thing drake, i'm sorry." drake gave him a questioning look, but in a flash the old man in his flowing robes spun around and cracked drake hard over the head. drakes world went dark.

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From Contempt to Love

Moving over to drake, ace brought a hand to his shoulder and then suddenly kissed the feline back; taking drake by surprised too.

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A Royal Treatment of Thanks

"aaahhh...d-drake...ah..." join along with the squirrel, drake began to release his own series of moans through clenched fangs.

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When bark turns to bite- The Collar

Risuke smiled at drake. "i think this ones good, master." he told him nodding as he snuggled back into drakes side. drake shivered a bit with how close risuke was to him.

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Stripes Parlor

He then asked which size drake liked the best and drake immediately chose the largest one.

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A New Start and Friend (Tales of Drake and Xello, Ch. 1)

'he's going to hate me now,' drake thought to himself xello simply stared at drake, not knowing what to say. he finally but his paw and drakes shoulder and said, "don't worry about it.

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Lykos Wild Things 15 - The Day After

"i'm sure drake doesn't mind. right?" "um, no, of course not," drake said, a bit dumbfounded. _i mean, why should i?_, he thought. _i would have no reason to..._ and then, wyatt's voice resonated inside drake's brain.

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