The Loraine Files - Washington State #2
Yovin switched from forceps and sutures to a second drill and a tray of stainless steel screws. the drill hummed as the bit slid through guide holes on the shoulder assembly and into the ribs, scapula, and collar bone.
Return to Sender 2 - Saw Wood Zone
The drill-tank grounder was trying to get up from being rolled over onto his side, his treads spinning uselessly in the air as he flailed with his drill arms.
Divided Unity (Christmas short 3)
Brent changed the drill to kicking after that, his teammates and i nailed the drill, but brent messed up and seemingly on purpose. for one brent used his left foot to kick things, not his right foot which he used in the drill.
Raiderstuck (part 1)
Chief: "oh okay that makes sense i guess" princess: "have your dudes drill for more grist then call back" chief: "ok" vegeta: "main screen turn off" chief: "okay so you guys need to keep digging and stuff" rock raiders: "okay i'm drilling more walls
Don't Talk to Strangers
Arthur asked, eyeing the box with worry as glenn teased out a plastic drill of 24 bright red pills. "a couple, nothing huge. extra body hair, acute senses stuff like that," glenn said, tossing the drill to arthur.
Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part I Chapter I
This is not an emergency broadcast drill; this is not an emergency broadcast drill. all residents receiving this broadcast are asked to quickly make their way to the nearest community shelter".
2022's Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers Fanon of Storage stored by Toon Part Collectors.
Ears and trident ghost rider's flaming skull yuumi's spellbook cutman's scissors on top of its head alolan raichu's ears and tail blacephalon's head willy weasel's hat puppycat's collar, ears, and tail nimona's sword magnet man's magnet helmet drill
Wrestling with Change - Chapter 2
#2 of wrestling with change chapter 2 - takedown drills now to introduce some more members of the westfiled wolves team as the story continues.
Rivet’s Release (Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Fan Fiction)
Rivet, your only hope now is to go into excavator mode--push the button with the conical drill on it!" "that is an excellent idea," interjected clank. "the x212 will drill into the ground, preventing further wing damage.
The Continual Growth of Abby
She drilled even quicker this time, making the hole closer to the bottom of the barrel. she did not bother to watch this time, opting to go gather more of the barrels and put them in other spots.
Endurance Training
He knew she wouldn't _really_ hurt him, even if it was hard to remember that when her drills was buried deep into his nutmeat.
Gibson smiled gently, as if he wasn't talking about using a pair of large drills that he regularly used to shred formless to massage him. "alright, let's get started!"