GoM-Ep2-Brian's backstory

Growing up he struggled with some ptsd, anxiety and depression which could have taken the form of another identity of it's own but that could be his fragile young mind messing with him.

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Josefs Tagebuch Teil 2

I mean, gian told me about his fragility when he told me about the blind date. at the end of the lunch date, i asked him out. he literally squealed with excitement, gave me a tight hug and looked up into my eyes.

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Atando Cabos (Connecting the Dots)

His grades at school, began to drop and his character is sweet and good around aggressive, but that aggressiveness was becoming fragile and disappeared leaving the fear when it came to the cemetery. that no longer observed but now followed her back home.


Poem #49: Wings

Wilts and dies without a friend i sigh and groan knowing i will forever be alone few know the pain of rape from your mind there's no escape i let my body truly be so speak that i may feel free i cannot bear the pain today let these fragile

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Something in me enjoys shattering fragile things. i am, after all, a creature of chaos. i wanted her immediately. i'm accustomed to acquiring what i want. i drew her in with my eyes, the flash of silver on the sea of chaos.

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The Gnoll's Pet - Chapter 4

"well, he's certainly fragile, but he didn't break when i had my way with him. no, i plan on keeping him around a long time.~" she licked her lips whilst saying the last bit, as though she'd just smelled a delicious liboar being roasted.

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Catnap Interrupted

His massive paws collided with the thin structure, comparable to the height of his old tower yet so much more fragile. windows smashed. steel bent with murderous groans the moment his forelegs made contact.

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She walks carefully so as not to step on anything sharp or fragile en route.

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And that's when the fragile mirror shattered. everything that the fragile glass had represented was gone. so james stared at the wolf before he asks, "come again?" "can you wash my back please?" james wasn't sure about this.

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Memento Mori -- Chapter 14

He feels fragile, but he is sane again." kane was up and feeling fragile. no doubt it was both from the beating maximillian had given him, and the emotional drain that his alpha's death had had upon him too.

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But now...she was trapped in this fragile vessel. she was trapped in this one form for the rest of her mortal life, until she became one with the rest of the universe once more.

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A Raptor Story (Part One: A Friendship Builds)

He ran his hand atop the fragile head and down the spine while the sticky goo collected on his hands. with his hand in this position he carefully broke away the remnants of the egg and cupped the fragile prehistoric reptile in his sticky hands.

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