Forgotten Paths: Chapter 3 - Out of the Woods
A smile formed on his face as he saw the gardevoir up and about. "ah good, you're awake and well i see!"
New Journey Chapter 34: Librarian
gardevoir, don't give him another." "dust, its your turn." both the gardevoir and the glaceon formed on the field, immediately glaring at each other. they knew what this was. gardevoir started things off by raising her arms.
Chapter 4: A Shocking Revelation Part 2
"it's too soon for him to know of his background, gardevoir. we need to give him time. and it's not like he would accept instantly to become my champion...."
Lovely Gardevoir Ch.1(revision)
Lovely gardevoir ch1 a gardevoir was lying in the middle of mother nature's burn mark.
A thin, smoky mist started from the floor and filled the air vaguely in the shape and height of a gardevoir before revealing the pokémon as the smoke dissipated. "garna..."
Alex's Pokemon Travels: Resolution
In an instant, ty and hunley, and kitt were gone, but alex turned to the gardevoir and paused. "haley.... i need to talk to.... someone. you." the gardevoir flinched at his voice.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 39
She had finally become a gardevoir, albeit looking as if a horribly mutilated one due to the wounds from the change...
The Pokemon Gladiators Chapter 1: The House Of Raisii
As the gardevoir was walking out tyrant stopped her with an question. ''by the way how many gardevoirs does marcus have?'' ''about 40, why you ask?''
Aura - Part One
It was _if_ i was in fact in love not with a human but... but with a pokemon; with the humble gardevoir pokemon who now looked upon nude me in the bathroom. mind, i hadn't fallen in love with just any gardevoir.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Challenging Flannery
"gardevoir come on out!" gardevoir appeared elegantly, "gardevoir could you teleport me to rustboro city please?" gardevoir nodded smiling as he gestured for me to hold his hand.
Chapter 2: A place to belong
"no, he doesn't, not yet at least," she then kiss the gardevoir again "but your dream might not be so far away." she said smiling at the gardevoir, who looked at her with a puzzled look.
Forgotten Paths: Chapter 2 - Not out of the Woods Yet
"rest up you stubborn gardevoir." he chuckled, a warm smile on his face as he carried the pokémon.