Chapter 6: A First Time For Everything
holis picked her back up gently carrying her into her room. alesta reached up and pulled holis's muzzle to hers and gave him a deep kiss catching him completely off guard.
Chapter 7: A Helping Hand From a Friend
After a minute they pulled back holis blushing now. alesta shivered in bliss, "umm that was very nice holis." holis smiled and stood up helping her to her feet, "i like you alesta, i don't want you to think otherwise.
U.C.O.D. Scorn of The Lost: Chapter 17
holi said and leapt at him! she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, beginning to cry softly. the others rushed over to him and stood behind holi.
U.C.O.D. Scorn of The Lost: Chapter 9
holi looked insulted.
Suncrest - Chapter 7
The holy dragon laughed. "long as you bring 'em back in one piece, take as many as you like." tea smiled, hugging the elder bear again. "i'll make you proud, great holy dragon.
Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 8
"holi? holi!" cyllea shouted and stood up, hugging her sister. "merry christmas!" "get off me!" holi pushed cyllea off of her. cyllea met her anger with sadness. "why are you mad at me? i thought i'd never see you again!"
Chapter 8: Time With Old Friends and Meeting New Ones
Lova smiled, "so you must be holis, i've heard interesting things about you."
Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 6
Dameon walked around them and saw holi crouched in a corner. "holi?! what are you doing here?! and how did you get down here, anyway?" he asked angrily. "i just put my hand on the wall like you did, and it opened.
Chapter 9: A Training Day
Lova and holis made there way down the hallway to the pod that alesta and drake used to feed and lova asked holis to wait at the door. holis was visibly nervous both for her and the embarrassment of possibly seeing her with the plants.
The Guilded Cage, World Introduction, part 2
Setting, part 2 organizations holy temple of amiel, the divine light (the holy temple) combining holy prayer, administrative rule, and governance all under one very large roof, the organization representing the holy empire is often referred to by
The Wedding of Tyka and Scarlet.txt
In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit, amen."