Innocence of Youth
Quietly we march into the abyss of insecurity and ineptitude. why must we commit ourselves to such sin? not in the biblical sense but instead a sin against our own flesh, like a hot brand into our minds.
Character Sheet: Selen Shepard
**personality:** he's a very shy boy, kinda quiet and insecure. he grew up being bullied after his whole family was killed, and this led him to be easily depressed, although he can be very determined when he wants to reach his goals.
Re: Speech 4. Fear Of Dying
This is a redo because my first attempt was not that clear, but i just want it up, so you can understand this, then understand the original better, also, i never delete something i post, blame it on my blood- as human beings, we all have our fears, we live insecure
After the Sunset
He asked feeling slightly insecure and upset. aidan reminded him about that he shouldn't do that stuff again without cat-fox's permission and this was his way of asking. "are you like to this to everyone when your in this mood?" aidan shook his head.
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 82 - "Never regret the things you didn't do..."
But he knows what i've been through and knows the reason why i was so insecure... he knows me better than i know myself... 'what makes you so insecure about yourself...?' 'heh...
Young Furry Love
Cassia in a state of ecstasy by ken's soothing words that seemed to cure all the insecurities she had grabbed ken's hand and went upstairs to his bedroom. "what are we doing here? i thought i was taking you home now?"
Two Worlds?
Stan is a insecure boy and is really not confidant to take anything into his own hands. that's the back story for stan.
Lesson Plan
insecurity is one of flaws i hate to admit, but i should doubt myself.
Hello! Hello! Chapter 5 - Mind Games
"make him insecure enough to realize that you are the problem. it will be very difficult and painful. every time you make him feel that way he's going to hurt you, but you have to do it. and do not use my name at all.
Arabian Nights - Chapter One
His fear and insecurity began to grow and grow, before he whinnied in fear as he felt a light touch on his shoulder and his textbooks and other paraphernalia fell to the ground in a mess.
Part 2 - The Best Offense is Defense or vice versa
Fault if some beefed up meathead wants to pose and act like he is god's gift to sports and then when he is knocked down a peg or two, thinks his manhood is being threatened and wants to show off and prove himself in front of the ladies. all because he is insecure
Watery Memory
With insecure sensations besieging his mind and body, he could little more than sit. he yearned with a ceaseless pain in his chest for seiko, who had disappeared for the latter time after their night together.