Big Bunny Boy Blossoming a Boner.

Authors Note: Hello to my SoFurry readers. This story was a result of participating in Lyrra's 2014 Secret Santa Trades where I submitted to be a participant among a dozen others. I drew Comjuke's name from the list and was tasked to write a tale of...

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For the One in the West - CH 2

Yerick and Stela laid together near the mouth of their cave. The three hatchlings fast asleep curled up together where their nest used to be. Yerick marveled at the bond the three hatchlings had with each other. They were nearing fledging and had very...

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Novel Chapter 1

DRAFT 1 Prologue Most people go through life never experiencing their surroundings. They listen to the news as they get on the way to work, remain semi-existent for eight hours at a time, before finally zoning out on the way home, where...

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KNot Yet

The sun was setting over the southern Kerolintamos cliffs into the great Basith sea, and the moon was peeking out from behind one of the few scattered clouds that dotted the sky. There was an orange glow over the horizon, leaving most of the sky dark...

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Night Walk (Vore Story)

He could feel the drake sinking deeper into him, his internal sac starting to sag outside of his body just a bit as it swelled and filled up - seemed like those walls just couldn't contain the meal he had caught!

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Shadowrun: Once you go Troll

A troll and a human walked down the alleyways of the Redmond Barrens. The human wore a business suit and the troll a long trench coat. The suitcase the troll carried was filled with plastic explosives they planned on selling to the gang they were...

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Spirited Young Lady

Vasanta had been to Luke's farm many times before thanks to her parents, Bennu and Yata, who had many friends who would go there on warm nights to party like satyrs and nymphs, drinking homebrew and banging out music. Once they had their own kids, they...

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The ladylike way of saying "Please Fuck Me" Part 3

That scent. Each breath you take you can still smell the memory of him in the air. Mixed with the scent of each guy that had past you that day. The scent of him. The scent of... it. The sound of your own claws digging at the wooden desk in front of...

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The ladylike way of saying "Please Fuck Me" Part 2

That smirk. That damning smirk. It's something that you'd always try to hide. That small shifting in your seat each time they'd come in to the office and they'd know. The way you'd subconsciously press your legs together, even when knowing each...

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Good Kitty Kitty

Bethany smiled, as she walked down the hall, her tail swishing back and forth, her ass following the same motion, drawing the attention of every man or woman she passed. She grinned more devilishly as she listened to their whispers of wanting to fuck...

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Jian shivered slightly, turning up his collar against the chill in the air, it was definitely autumn now. For the last few weeks it had been possible to believe that it was still the end of summer, with the last few warm days lingering on long past...

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Love is not a Sin

**This is my first submission and I feel like it was kind of rushed, so go easy on me please. How often I continue to write depends entirely on how well this one goes. Please be kind, I would like only constructive criticism. So without further delay,...

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