[p] A Goddess's Devotion

A child of the sea could take many, many forms. Pallas, daughter of Triton, had been known to assume the form of a dolphin or an albatross; she'd undulated with the waves, with hair like seafoam and a body as malleable as the currents. For today,...

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Bobby (a Wulfen Blood story)

Bobby A "Wulfen Blood" story Harry Wolfe stood at the pay telephone in the Gas-n-Gone convenience store, feeding quarters into the slot and hoping to reach his wife and mateMarinaat the ranch. She had been in town at the market with...

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Ownership Mark

Jaeghi mashed some pellets together with water drawn from the deep dungeon well as the kobolds watched him. "It's almost complete," the wingless cliff dragon said to the small group he could hear breathing and rustling in the darkness to his side....

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The Binding of Fenrir

A massive Grey Wolf lay on the soft cold snow devouring the doe it had caught, it's maw covered in blood and the bones lay scattered and broken in front of him. He growled with hungry fervor as he gnawed at one of the leftover bones. His teeth wore it...

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Anchored Prologue

27th November 1914-A few hours before the start of World War I There were heavy clouds hovering over London, covering the sky with a curtain of darkness. The smell of ozone filled the air and I watched the moon disappear above the thick canopy of...

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Here Be Dragons Chapter #1

"they call themselves humans, and when they talked they said that we were creatures from their own mythology." she said "humans? really?"


Yggdrasil’s dream (Dragons Lair "This is Me"-Challenge)

In norse mythology _yggdrasil_ is the world tree around which the nine worlds dwell. i chose a metaphorical approach and so let me tell you the story of the dreaming leaves.

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Days of Future Past

Far better was it for those of his mission to key into the religious mythology of the populace, appearing to be their animal-headed deities and gaining the ready and willing compliance of the people.

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[Request] Quickie

#7 of bb mythology another tumblr story request!

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Fenris Chains - Leyding

Pehr's always been into nerdy stuff like mythology and poems and humpuuki like that, he was the one that came up with our names.

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My Little Mashup 4 - Jail

Just mythology and a dash of history." "any chance the mythology is also history?" "does it matter? it's long gone anyway." i backed off, and we walked for a time in silence.

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Kitty Rehab Chapter 5

Arean had seen pictures of them in earth mythology - these giant lizards of mythology. this one stood about seven foot tall and leeding around a smaller dragon, most likely one of her young and judging by the name the older was meant to be female!

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