Cosmic Winter chapter 4
Derek stared at the wolf for a moment, his groggy thought proses still making it difficult to understand. "at least you aren't freaking out this time..."
The Fifth Day
There were few benefits being dead. It was something Reynard learned on his fifth day being dead, and he hated each part of it. The fox stepped through the oak doors of the museum, before observing the statue of a wolf he wasn't familiar with. Part of...
And be on the lookout; i've been quiet for a long time, but you're about to get a whole lotta prose from me!
Troubles of Love, part 1
Please, tell me what you think of the story, because i feel that my prose-writing could use some work. i'm considering lengthening the story based on feedback. he sat at the back of the room; not the very back, but in the second to last row.
Big Changes Part 6
Even to this day we don't know how this proses works. "so i'm going to have to fight a group of youngster some day?"
Inappropriate Feelings
This is a short prose from the p.o.v of a male zoroark. i'll be honest and say that i wrote this because of a personal issue in my life that i needed to get off my chest. it's not very uplifting, and it's extremely angsty.
Dark Heart, Dark Seed - Part II
Every violent prose and twisted poem that my paws had ever scribbled was driven by a seed he had planted inside me. "did you miss me, little one?"
Sky Ocean Chapter 1
As the less than enthusiastic feathered teen murmured a morning prose he lost balance and fell in a heap of pearl white feathers and tangled limbs, in a mess upon his bedroom floor. " form less than composed and head more than screaming, i puzzled over
Black and White – Chapter 1: Explanation.
I spent the remaining math-cum-library period writing prose and poetry. the bell rang, and douglas and i rocketed to our english class. okay, so i liked english class. today, we were to share a bit of creative writing.
You ARE a writer! : Srsly (2nd step on the road to success!)
Our brethren who sling around paint brushes are perhaps the only ones who will understand that nagging feeling you have (or should have, unless you are a deluded maniac - also your prose sucks and i hate you.) whenever you sit down at the keyboard.
Meet the Studs: Alabaster, the Lion of dark muscle and grey matter
Plopping down and skimming over line after line of prose disconnected from factual information is just too tedious.
[SFW] Squirrely Days #008 - Kylola
#7 of squirrely days [sfw] [slice-of-life] [alt romance] [none traditional fantasy] squirrelly days is a slice of fantasy life written for and dedicated to people who wished more books let them use their imagination more and painted with prose less.