What You Mean to Me, Chapter 2
The first thing you thought of when your eyes opened to the flashing of your phones alarm, was that it was your birthday. As you turned the annoying phone off, thoughts raced through your head of how this day was going to go. Of your disappointment...
Crosstown Express
The predator was quite enjoying having these roles so reversed, and answered back by trying to match pace with her, working out a beat with which to match her thrusts.
A Demon's Pride
Thorpe dragged himself up the steps of the tower as lightning flashed around him. It almost seemed to seep through the stone, as though the light wasn't quite sure what to do with itself - the intensity of the magic around them _buzzed_, corrupting and...
The Old Ball and Chain 4
"Oh, hun, did you pick up the wine?" "It's right here in the kitchen." Natalie grinned as she sprawled on the couch in front of the television. Her belly was full from the meal Frederick cooked and her cock was out, half hard, draping over her thigh....
DD's Pornstar Life: Chapter 6
She had me splayed out on my bed, riding me hard into the mattress in the reverse position. "you know, from the first time you saw me you always keep looking at my tail. why do you like it so much?
Wet At The Fair
Think you may have just reversed all of your potty training?" "i think i might have..."
Turned Tables
\*BzzzzzzzZap\* "OW!" I exclaimed as I pulled my paw away from the \*still\* defective doorbell. I put the slightly electrocuted finger into my mouth to soothe the burn, and that was how my boyfriend saw me when he opened the door. He wore a grey...
The wolf's hazel eyes looked up at the coyote's green ones, "just remember this reversal ends tonight, i may have to do a repeat of this. scept maybe i'll do it up that cute ass you have."
Better Than Usual
The reverse cowgirl seemed to cause so much more pleasure for the both of them that her pumping and his thrusting merged together. it was as if they were writing music with their bodies and singing the score with their moans.
The Pikachu's Unexpected love Christmas Speical!
**AUTHOR'S NOTES: None of these short stories are linked to the main PUL series or their respective spinoffs and should be assumed to be based from the cast of PUL 2 unless stated in the story title like this(Example PUL title here). Bold and Italic...
Hostile Re-Takeover [Commission]
**Hostile Re-Takeover** **By Limewah** **Commissioned by Maxie (Birthday gift for LucianLupin)** **18+** The chair creaks behind me as those muscular hands push hard into my shoulderblades, and squeeze my neck. I groan like I'm getting...
A Saturday like any other
Lionel loved laundry Saturdays. Not only because they were the perfect time to get away from the daily stress he experienced throughout the whole week, but because it had become a routine. A habit. Something he could repeat every single week without...