Chapter 7 - becoming family

"Stop!" a voice roared busting through the doors and calling attention to the room. I opened my eyes but could only make out a watery blur. I didn't need my sight to know who's voice that was however, it was my Mistress. I would forever recognize...

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Gemini – Chapter 5: Confession

He had become the monster once more, no, this time he was no monster, this time he would be the saviour of ponies from injustice. with that thought he pounced out of a window, and onto the street.

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The Rogue

Sean saw the feral shine in his saviours eyes, and knew he had to talk to him. the guards, however, had a different idea.

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Konrad and ENdymion

Endymion said to the savior. the savior nodded and said thanks, as he padded into the small, but supringsly comfortable brief shelter. he soon dozed off right away from the exertion of "space' travel.

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PMD The Warrior's of Light

"you i'm sorry look soo cool for a flying pokémon, mind to join my rookie rescue team called team poke saviours?" jason asked skarmory.

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The Helping Hand

Now the time nears to see beyond the veil of mystery that had always covered up my savior and curse. but alas there is another, the gnarled hand. that had come to cover up my savior and nurse.

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Cyanide of Riddance chapter 7.

Now say you accept jesus christ as your lord and savior, and i'll answer your phone." "ugh! oh, fine! i accept jesus christ as my lord and savior. happy now?" "yep. now you can answer your own darn phone."

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Savior: part 3/3

**Joy and sorrow** Zume stirred awake and opened his blue eyes. He looked around seeing Kobe and the others standing over him. He smiled weakly, and Kobe whispered "relax and take it easy you just had surgery. Evan saved your life but..." Zume...

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savior: part 2/3

**Sorrow between lovers** A lone rider was riding on his hover cycle, weaving through the traffic. He had promised Kobe after all to visit the night club after the amount of time to paid his debts and to repair the damage he caused, with his own...

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Savior: part 1/3

Savoir In the suns afternoon rays two forms stirred together, one was a beautiful wolfox with grey fur and a white undercoat. Along with golden wolf like eyes and blue hair, the other was a taller thinner but none the less lethal wolf bydo hybrid that...

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Mystery Savior Ch. 11

#2 of mystery savior _note: i do not own the group that will be mentioned in this chapter. if i did, i would probably go insane.

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Mystery Savior Ch. 10

#3 of mystery savior i told my mom about rendall, and how cute and mysterious he seemed to be while we were driving to hideaway pizza. while talking about his looks, i noticed that my mom was very fidgety, and she almost ran a red light.

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