Terror in a World of Murky Puddles
The charm of her emerald eyes was replaced by blacked pits holding nothing but terror and despair, complemented by the freshly torn rivers of crimson streaking down her horrified face, parting only to outline those desolate blackened pits a shade of hell,
Season of the Pumpkin: A Drabble of Terror
Farmer Maine was an old cougar that took great pride in his pumpkin patch. The few neighbors that he had always said that he grew the best pumpkins in West Virginia. He was known as a culinary master that could always find a way to use pumpkins in just...
The Gates of Hell, Chapter 3
When it returned with ted's nude, partially devoured body, and proceeded to eat the rest of him in front of her, ignoring her screams and sobs of terror, she was sure she was next.
Halloween 2019: Chapter 3
Screaming in terror, sandy tried to twist back around but the liquid gripped his body so tightly he couldn't even breath, much less turn around.
King of the Hive
King of the Hive For Bloodgod245 By Draconicon 747 didn't remember his name, but he remembered guns. The sound of them, in particular, the click as they loaded, the rattle they made as they were carried around, the tiniest tink-tink of...
Zootopia: The Wilde Bunch - Part 4 - The Task Force
I know they're usually pretty tight lipped about service records, but just mention the word 'terrorism' and they'll start talking." "understood, sir," replied rockwell, noticing that his captain was staring into an empty coffee mug.
Roommates Will Drive You Insane
Weeks of dealing with the supernatural had turned into months, and the young squad of a dozen college students were not built for this kind of terror.
Under the Ice 4 (Zootopia Fanfic)
"sir... this may have been an act of terrorism. an act by a group or even just a couple mammals. it was aimed to cause panic, and it certainly did.
To Have chapter 5
The Arcade was packed even for this early in the day. And they hadn't even got to the midday rush. That was one reason Mellisa had wanted to get out early.That and she didn't want to spend the day moping around the barracks. It's not like there was...
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 7: Dark Machinations (The Ram’s Decision)
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 7 Dark Machinations (The Ram's Decision)** Day 3 continued Before we drifted off to sleep my seductress had some questions for me. "I am quite surprised you didn't try to escape during our intimacy." Lady Ursa...
Horror Vale - ch 15
_ **NOTE:** This story is a NaNo project, written by MasterAaran and myself. Each Chapter is actually a day's writing._ _Our goal, since we are co-writing, is 100,000 words by the end of November._ _Our word Count for each day will be posted, as well...
Predator And Prey
He looked so terribly hopeless, his eyes spread open wide that they were nearly bulging with terror. "you act like you don't want to be here."