RP Log - WoW Shaman training
There is a single large tent with a fire pit roaring at its center, the followers are fit but clad in little more then the totem of the elder and a loin cloth the are all fine speciemens of their own races.
The Cracked Mesa Irregulars: part 3
His room was dimly lit; a series of totems leaned against one wall near the fur-covered bed. brauner nodded softly and followed behind the shaman looking at the totem within the room once he stepped inside.
Sky Ocean Chapter 10
She was heavily immersed in a chapter detailing the totemic animal spirits from which she knew the current denizens of the earth took their name.
Painful Questions
Suddenly, the floor beneath him folds under, and it all turns into a totem behind the dragon. the bindings on him are attached to the moving boards. in the end, his back is secured against the totem, and all his limbs are spread open.
USC - My Little Pony Let's Play Journal
Superior magic totems, farm the hardest element in the game in seriously no time flat, and win the fucking game!?
The Legend of Zelda: The Totem King- ch 5 Transformation
#5 of the legend of zelda: the totem king ch five a few miles down the trail, the trail ended at a tree. i put the disk in my pocket, and the trail disappeared. i tried walking past the tree, but was stopped by some unnatural force.
Foxitious Chap5-6 (Clean)
Odin smiled back and walked back to the castle with the fox over his shoulder and his totems on his back. excalibur turned to the others, "well lets get you guys come training done."
[SNEAK PEEK]Jake Long's New Year
The only bit of 'normal' clothing he wore was a jockstrap, red with gold trim, emblazoned with _yunqi_ - the two dancing ornate characters indicating his status as a mesmerised totem of fortune, a harbinger for the coming lunar year.
Sky Ocean Chapter 12
A slight frown crossed his face as he thought about the other totems in the school.
Bound by Destiny 19
Yin felt defenseless as she saw red-eyes black chick, totem dragon and delta flyer become graveyard food, "my turn!" she drew her card and felt as if she was about to faint, "i place one card face-down and end my turn."
Collared - Chapter 13 - Nightmare
Please, you were my father's indicia, and you were important enough that my mom held onto your totem all this time." dominic tried to reason with the wolf. "she kept my totem because i told her i did not want any new collars." tyloki said with a grunt.
To Tame an Alpha: Part 1
As he had done so many times before, the alpha wolf used a claw on his footpaw to draw a single line originating from the big totem in the earth beneath them.