Becoming A Fur

Today was like every other day, I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, put on some clothes. And then I changed. I started to freak as fur was growing in places on my body \*ahem\* where fur didn't normally grow, well, at least not that quickly anyway....

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How to become a fur

There were only a few clouds outside that night, lazily floating across the sky like baby lambs chasing stars. So pure and peaceful, she began drifting off, her eyelids slowly starting to meet. She was thinking about life. The life she had now... was...

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Can't Take My Eyes Off You Ch. 11

You said that there was a kid that wants to become a fur?" "yes, that's right." the line was silent for a few more moments before dan spoke again. "well, there's two ways for a person to become a fur.

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Broadening Ken's Horizons - Chapter 14 - Hideaway

Will you fully become a fur?" "i'm not sure," i replied. "tom has a specialist looking at my case to see what can be done. he was just by for his first visit earlier, so i haven't heard anything yet." "would you rather remain human or become a fur?"

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Falling for a lioness 2 Revenge of the fallen part 25

" what can we do,they most likely have guns an other stuff that could take you lot down. " i said worried,,not wanting to lose a family member, by guns and becoming a fur suit from a stupid fashion human.

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Struggle (Prolouge)

I had become a fur. tens of millions of other cases just like mine began arising all over the world. people changing into animals, and no body could find out why. the general consensus is the clouds.

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changeing fast: chapter 2

She then went into a long explanation that before becoming a fur she was an experimental scientist for a company developing new technology for the military. "oh beauty and brains" i said while laughing.

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young hearts

She had become a fur a few weeks a go and had been the talk of the school. she was a gorgeous vixen with a shapely body and eyes like sapphires. he got lost in those eyes for a moment staring at her when she said, "are you all right?".

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Gap Year: Motherfucking Soup

He told his parents that he wanted the surgery to become a fur and met their initial fury and disappointment, beaten up in gym, constantly picked on. but i still told him off. "jake, you're my best friend... what would i do without you?

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Love Knows No Bounds - The Start Of Something Grand

One thing his parents had done when they found out he had become a fur was they got the ceiling to be replaced with a soft of hard foam that zeke could sink his claws into, but not damage. "sorry..." john said, sitting up.

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Love Knows No Bounds - Just Another Day At School

Here is where everybody who had become a fur were pretty much forced to sit. john was the only human to sit there, he would stick by his friends no matter what. after school got out, zeke and john walked to zeke's house.

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What I wish

We went to the park to see if anyone else had become a fur like us. sa we suspected the park was deserted when we got there but when people saw that we had changed more and more people came to speak to us.

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