Where You Going To Run Too Now - Chapter Two - FINALE
Where You Going To Run Too Now Chapter Two 1. Cederwyn Whitefurr 10thJune, 2019. All Rights Reserved. Sean cuddled Isabella, resting his chin on her shoulder, lost in the post orgasmic rush of adrenaline and endorphin's, as Isabella sighed in...
Prologue - You would be too if you did what they did
Also, because of the actions of the corporate wars (which had occurred after what became ubiquitously known as the 'third world war', and there was nuclear devastation bandied about, and other such nasty weapons.
Raining Fire
The newspapers in the stands that lined the sidewalks warned of the most recent threat of nuclear devastation against the us. the tv and radio stations preached about the economy, which had about as much stability as wet paper towel.
It sets my mind to wander...
Reports from later, from afterwards, make it seem like, once it had been started, the war could not be stopped -- that it happened so quickly that nuclear devastation was completely inevitable.
Chapter III: More than I can Bear
"what followed was nuclear devastation all over the world. no land was spared. thus, the second of the horsemen, the _phoenix_ descent and war, ended. the third, death and the nuclear apocalypse began."
Bounty Hunters Have Obligations Too
But then the images turned less pleasant, recalling the sight of sargaso vanishing in a cloud of nuclear devastation. he frowned and tossed his head back and forth before finally stirring awake.