Voodoo Mystery (TFTG Non-Furry)
Contains transformation, gender swap, voodoo rituals, m/f, f/f, oral, anal, kidnapping, forced shifting and . . . er . . . skin shedding and . . . uh . . . a zombie.
Goin' Camping
It's also the reason i need to live life to the fullest because my supply of organic material to put into the 'cycler is dwindling ever so slowly due to the recycling process itself plus incidental losses due to sweat and natural skin shedding.
No Frills: Ijona Hykok
In addition to this, draconids shed their skins. shedding can leave them itchy and miserable, and their vision can temporarily become cloudy. their skins come off in patches which can get messy.
What really goes on in the forest.....
Shocked, bane recoiled and scratched a long trail of dead skin, shedded fur, and dripping blood down the neck of lakota, who yelped pretty loudly.
Foxhole - Passions and Discovery Pt 2
The water turned dark and gritty as my skin shed the days.. or was it years of dirt. "i'm sorry tom but i really need to make sure you are clean" he said rubbing the foaming suds into belly and lower.
Mating Season Training Session: Arrival
She appeared to be quite tired, and as i looked about the room i noticed why: over night, she had shed her skin.
Unexpected Eggnancy
He shrugged his shoulders, shivering as the last of his skin shed away, and the rest of his body began to streamline into a sinuous shape not so unlike his tail.
The Changing
It took a minute or two to get all of the old skin off of him in this way, peeling it back and removing it, almost exactly in the same way as a snake sheds its skin. shedding his skin, it was now much easier to see what the finished product looked like.
A tale of dragons chapter 7
"but when i'm little, my skin sheds, just like i was really a dragonet again." "i suppose i could." he said uncertainly. "but no rubbing of the other kind." he warned. "i'm not a sex maniac." kylara said in a hurt voice.
The Dracolith Sea
He changed, his skin shedding to reveal smooth scales and a hardened face, and still they kissed against the wall of the tavern, carelessly rutting.
Area51: The One That Got Away
Following some instinct, he wriggled his shoulders out of his old skin, shedding it like a snake does. once his torso was free he noticed that the monster-fish-thing had finally died and had also dehydrated a bit.
Vivid's Bio-Suit Training
Discarded skin, shed fur and shed scales offer a fuel source as well," explained the bio-suit. "...and your user's just shit and piss themselves like wearing a diaper?" asked vivid. "it's a much more sanitary process than that.